what do i even title this. it's just very soft n sweet

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hi there. as im writing this, im sick. idk how it happened. i just am. its not that bad. very congested, kind of a fever, but it's fine lmao. but i actually sort of finished another part of this and i just forgot to post it. so hi. here u are. yeah nothin rlly too plot-heavy or exciting its just these stupid idiots being in love. so in love. very much in love. and i dont even know whats goin on. the way i wrote it sorta feels like theyre lovers but i didnt put anything like that in and they seem slightly like friends?? is this fic a love confession? i dont... think it is? i am very disorganized ok i have no idea what is going on here. maybe i'll try to write something where i'm totally organized and things make sense and... yeah. take it. enjoy

also no, i did not update the thing w/ my OCs. i know what i should write next. but i just... dont want to... xiaolumi is the superior option for writing something... ehe


Lumine hears the sound of a fire crackling within the confines of the hearth and every calm breath, both hers and the adeptus's. He lies in her lap, purring softly. The rumbling reminds her of ocean waves, ebbing and flowing, with not a worry in the world. Behind the noises, the tranquil melodies of her realm linger, gentle notes soothing her senses. It would be impossible to feel anything but peace here.

Lumine smells the sharp scent of the fire's ash, flowing in such a contrast to the sweet, flower-like aroma of the tea on the table in front of her. Beyond it dwells the smell of forests, and what can only be described as happiness. It's nostalgic, and makes the home she built feel friendlier.

Lumine tastes warmth and sunshine as she brings the teacup to her lips, taking a long sip and enjoying the flavor. Zhongli had picked this one out as a gift (paid for by her), saying that she might like it. He was right. It's sweet and welcoming.

Lumine sees a loving home, the teapot mansion she had been given, that she had decorated and cared for. It's become a sort of haven, both for her and countless friends. Bookshelves, plants, tapestries, chairs and carpets adorn every inch. She sits on a couch by the fireplace, a table in front of her with another couch across from it. It lies unused at the moment, just like many corners of the teapot, since so many people have jobs to worry about. The only sign of life is the yaksha lying across her lap. His eyes are closed, his body motionless, full of peace rather than pain. And even though she cannot find room on the couch for the book she holds, she is not bothered. Xiao sleeping is quite rare. It's worth it to see him rest, regardless of how tired her arm is from holding the pages apart.

Lumine feels softness as her fingers brush along the wings on his back, carefully spreading one apart to analyze the shape. She cannot help but smile at how comforting and warm the feathers feel. She only realized until now, but this shape was far different from that of a wind glider. Gliders were wider, closer to an elliptical shape, with more space between the feathers on the edge. This wing was decently long and narrow, with thinner tips. Feathers were tightly compacted, with little space between. A quick glance at the diagrams covering the book in her hands, and it was clear that Xiao's wings were for speed rather than soaring.

Suddenly the feathers shift, his wing tearing itself away from Lumine's hands as he shifts from lying on his side to his back, blinking big golden eyes up at her as he yawns, exposing a mouth full of pointed teeth. Whatever his true form is, it's definitely not a pure bird. Honestly, with his cat-like behavior, she never would've guessed he was a bird until the day he had shown her these wings.

"You keep touching me." Xiao comments, his voice raspy and deep with sleepiness.

"Yes," She responds. "Yes I do."

He narrows his eyes at her, though the gesture isn't hostile. More inquisitive. "Why?"

Lumine giggles. "Um, your wings are soft?"

He huffs at that. "And you would consider that a valid excuse? How audacious."

Though the words are scolding, Lumine cannot sense any bite in them. She smirks as she retorts, "But if I'm not mistaken, you enjoy it, don't you?"

The golden gaze that had once been pinned to her now refuses to meet her eyes, staring at the ceiling, the table, the floor, avoiding a response until finally he mumbles: "Maybe."

"Maybe?" She repeats, laughing. "Only "maybe"? Xiao, you purr every time I touch you. And don't forget two days ago when you literally fell asleep in my arms."

Archons, that blush is adorable, The traveler thinks as he stutters, "I- T-that was- You-" Xiao finally sighs after a moment of frustration, still avoiding her eyes. "Fine. I guess... I do enjoy it."

She throws the book onto the table, chuckling with the triumph of victory as she wraps her arms around him, squeezing tightly. "I knew it, I knew it! You like me, admit it!"

"You really are a disrespectful human," Xiao mumbles, after a second of thought. "Let go." It's funny to hear him attempt to sound imposing when he very clearly loves this. Lumine knows that he could get away from her embrace if he wanted to. She feels awfully smug knowing that she can make one of the so-called "Mighty and Illuminated Adepti" this docile.

"Only if you say that you like me."

She's never seen anyone with a face so red. Xiao chokes on words for a moment before managing to squeak, "I-I do. Now let go."

She grins devilishly before hugging him tighter. "Mm, sorry. I lied."

"You are the most arrogant mortal I have ever met." He grumbles. Lumine knows his pout is supposed to be angry, but she can't help but squeal internally. So cute. "But I'm also your favorite human, right?" She asks.

"...Perhaps." Xiao responds with a sigh.

She finally relaxes, her arms now hanging limply around his form. "Well. The fact that you could've moved but instead stayed is pretty telling, you know."

His only response is a huff of annoyance, angling his head away to hide the redness on his cheeks. She still sees it on his ears.

"I like you too, Xiao." Lumine breathes, smiling.


realizing how short that was

ok cool

maybe i'll do some OC things next. i do have another idea for xiaolumi. and i wanna finish this bajillion-chapter drabble about xiao being a bird... but i don't know...

aghghhghg i am very confused

but i will try

farewell, until next time. i guess. dunno. audf atfawjdgawhfoaiwfhlfkjgolaw

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