im struggling to be alive and update this

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HI GUYS sorry for dying again school started and yknow? im not doin terribly but im not doin great either. ive actually been thinking about updating this for the past like two months but i'd do this wonderful thing where i'd say "okay today imma update it!!" and then i would just consistently forget or not have the time definitely not because i was saving primogems for xiao what no... anyway no, i havent forgotten about this. and altho i have ideas n im strugglin to get the motivation and focus to write them, i'll try my best to update this!! if y'all have any ideas of what i can do, pls tell! i've been thinking that actually writing like a consistent story and not just a combination of ideas would be good,, bcos maybe it would make me focus on this again... anyway

have somethin a slight bit angsty here that i wrote a couple of days ago... or maybe it was longer... my sense of time is terrible... its pretty short, sorry about that, but yknow. any ideas to make me actually do this are welcome

(xiao has bird form so thats why the word "feathers" is used once... or twice... i completely forgot the content of this thing)


Screams and shouts echo in Lumine's ears as she stumbles. All around her, treasure hoarders are running away frantically- but not from her. One of them trips, and he pounces on it, eliciting a blood-curdling cry. Lumine can't even see him through the cloud of sinister jade smoke, that intense veil of karma.

"Stop, stop..." The traveler calls, hauling herself to her feet. She presses her hand against her left shoulder, trying to stop the flow of blood pouring from her wound like a tiny crimson waterfall.

"Xiao, I know you're mad, but... let them go..."

Lumine knew the yaksha was awfully protective of her, but she never could've guessed a wound like this would drive him into this rage, this... this tempest of anger.

She can see hints of gold peering through that smog, his obscured form gone still, perched atop the now badly bloodied treasure hoarder. She can hear a growl from his throat, low and rumbly.

"Xiao, I'll be fine. I've suffered worse..."

He still doesn't move. He's never been a particularly active person, preferring to stand silently in most cases, but it instills the traveler with a sense of uneasiness to see him standing so uncannily motionless. It's like he's a statue, cloaked by a fog of heavy karmic debt. And Celestia above, it smells... Awful beyond words. The acidic stench burns Lumine's nose and makes her eyes water as she steps closer to the adeptus. If sin was a scent, this would be it.

"Xiao, come here."

With the gentleness of her voice, it comes out as more of a request than a command. The words sound even and calm, but inside her mind is alight with worry, every muscle in her body tense. She needs to drag him out of this, take him away from all- all this- this terror, this madness, this awful trance he's in. She holds on desperately to the hope he'll listen to her...

One step. Then another. He doesn't stop growling, but the sound is gradually becoming quieter.

"That's it... come here..."

Lumine paces forward, matching his steps. The smell grows stronger the closer she gets to him. It feels like it's trying to burn her nose and make sure she can never smell again. But if this is for him, she'll do it.

He draws a bit closer, finally within arm's length. And she realizes, though barely audible, he's whimpering. The sound is quiet and high-pitched, so miserable, and- and scared.

Lumine wraps her arms around him and holds him tight, squeezing his feathers so hard that it's a wonder he can still breathe. She has no intention of letting go for the next thousand years. This adeptus belongs to her now, and she's not gonna let some sinful fog try to take him. And she can tell how much he needs this too, if the frequent whimpers, rising in volume, are any indication.

"Shhh, you're safe now... I'm not letting go, don't worry..."

And slowly, slowly, the fog and feathers disappear, leaving an exhausted-looking boy lying in Lumine's loving embrace. She wasn't sure when they'd fallen down into the grass, only that she's content to lie here with him forever.

"Thank you..." he whispers, his voice a hoarse rasp.

Her response is a tiny kiss on the forehead.



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