bird thing finale cuz i dont wanna write this thing anymore

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The evening sun highlights Lumine's hair when she steps onto the balcony, a plate of almond tofu in hand. Xiao is familiar enough with the routine to know it's meant for him. She's been doing this every day since she returned from Inazuma. Not always at the same time- sometimes early if she had a commission at the inn, sometimes in the afternoon if she was passing by afterwards. Today she arrived later, making him wait until the sun began to sink into the horizon, dyeing the clouds all different shades of fire. Not that he was waiting for her, Xiao always tells himself. It's merely that there's only so much to do after patrolling Liyue, and seeing Lumine is like a gulp of cold water on a hot day. It's only natural for him to anticipate seeing her, specifically making sure to never miss her visits. He finds the slightest smile on his face as he abandons his perch on the roof to approach.

The greetings are the same; a "Hi!" from her and a simple "Hello" from him, but her aura is different. Perhaps it's the way her eyes remain glued to him when he eats the almond tofu, or the extra joy in her smile. It reminds him of a star, already so bright, yet intensified as if it had gone supernova. Xiao has witnessed a fair deal of her moods, trying unsuccessfully to figure them out and label them accordingly. He can't decipher this one, unsurprisingly, but he's never seen anyone just stare at him like this. He combs through his memory, trying to figure out if he's viewed this look anywhere else. It reminds him of the way his fellow yakshas used to stare, though that's different. They had been holding back laughter from the little scribbles of ink that had been so courteously applied to Xiao's face by Bosacius. He had no memory of the yakshas just... staring, and smiling like this. How strnage.

Minutes pass, and still she does not speak. The wind whispers its secrets against every surface, the birds chatter to each other, but Lumine says nothing to Xiao. He can feel her gaze boreing into him like a laser, making the back of his neck prickle. It's... unnerving. He's fought countless battles, been injured in probably every way imaginable and never feared a thing, but this long stretch of silent staring is inexplicably terrifying. And suddenly it occurs to him that her smile and her eyes look exactly like the expression Guizhong used to stare at Rex Lapis with. Lumine doesn't really remind him of God of Dust, but-

Xiao suddenly realizes that they're very similar, actually. The little smiles, the incessant teasing, the hugs... And Guizhong's relationship with the Lord of Geo...

"Traveler..." He says, desperate to get out of his thoughts after another awkward, soundless moment.

"Hm?" Lumine finally responds, jolting out of her trance.

"You are staring," He informs her, "and..."

"Mhm. And what?" She prompts. These situations are common; born from Xiao's desire to express his thoughts, yet not having the right words. Despite that, they slip past his tongue and are drawn out by Lumine before he can pull them back in. She's like a dog, backing his thoughts into a corner like poor little kittens so they can't escape. Though, that dog is more playful than vicious, always lifting up his ideas and never suppressing them. So he indulges her, bringing his feelings into the light, summoning up words that he hopes will do his thoughts justice: "You seem. . . different. Did something happen?"

She gives a slight chuckle, and it's like the soft melody of the wind between a fresh qingxin's petals. "Well, I planned to tell you once you were done eating," she admits, casting her gaze at the floor sheepishly, "but I guess it couldn't hurt to tell you now." A breath. The spoon stops midair, a lump of almond tofu sitting on it. Xiao tilts his head, a silent message of his willingness to listen, beckoning her to continue.

"I finished the glider," Lumine declares, and Archons, she looks so much like sunshine with that proud look on her face, "and I was thinking you could try it once you finish that."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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