why are xiao's teapot voice lines so cute send help

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oka y so in the teapot u can talk to xiao and he'll ask if u wanna go to liyue harbor together bc he wants to understand you :sob: my heart :sob: so umhh i wrote quick little thing about that-

sorry this is kinda short compared to the first part ::P

not me, desperately wishing for a xiao rerun bc i started playing after his banner and like pLEASE I NEeD THIS ITS SO CUTE

Xiao's golden graze traced the area around him, specifically the humans. Liyue Harbor was full of all sorts of people. He could see everything about them- their hopes, their dreams, their feelings... all of these things were reflected in the way they walked, the tilt of their heads, the angles they held their bodies at, the tones they used when they talked to one another.

Xiao would never understand them. But he did understand that he could ruin it all.

All it would take was a single powerful swipe of his spear in a wide enough arc, and the sharp tip would pass through all their stomachs, disemboweling them. The city's streets would flow red with their blood and-

The adeptus looked up as Lumine squeezed his hand. The traveler must've sensed how scared Xiao was of the image he couldn't help but conjure in his mind. He felt himself relax in her amber gaze and warm smile, the tension in a hand that he'd unknowingly curled into a fist lessening.

"You're not going to hurt anyone," she whispered to Xiao, fully confident. "I'm here for you."

Xiao studied the traveler. He carefully examined the way the soft moonlight turned her blond hair to a gorgeous shade of silver, how it made her already wonderful smile absolutely dazzling. The powerful affection in her eyes, trained on him. How her thin, elegant, yet strong hand grasped his own. She cared for the yaksha so much...

Around Lumine, Xiao felt... calm. The constant pain he usually endured wasn't as strong. Still there, of course- he could never truly be free. But whenever Lumine held his hand or played with his hair or wrapped him up in a warm embrace, Xiao's pain was significantly less excruciating.

As the two walked down the streets of Liyue Harbor together, Xiao rested his head against Lumine's shoulder and allowed himself to show the smallest of smiles.

hi lana, hello darkwolf, pusheen, ryan, anyone else who read this-


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