continued thing where xiao is bird

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this one's kinda short. i feel like it's too short. but whatever.

also because i need time to generate more xiaolumi ideas, i might take a quick lil break and write some stuff w/ original characters instead. not bc i dont wanna write more of this, im just uhh... kind of running out of ideas. i never thought i'd see the day...

...aaaand right as i type that i get more ideas. great. maybe i'll try to write both genshin and Vespera Lore. hehe

here u go simps


"Hold still," Lumine utters around the zip ties clamped between her teeth. "Almost done."

Xiao finds it a little difficult to not flinch when her fingers brush against all the old scars along his feathers. Or maybe it was just excitement. He has never been good with emotions.

But if he had to take a guess...

The lands of Lumine's Serenitea Pot stretch out before his eyes- cliffs, water, and the setting sun. Dips and rises based on Inazuma that he'd been invited to traverse. If this plan worked, he would be on wings rather than feet.

Perhaps anticipation is what he feels.

Xiao winces as Lumine tightens one of the ties a little too strongly. "Too tight?" She asks. He nods, and her fingers loosen the grip. "I think that's it," She declares, stepping back to admire her work. Various bands tie real feathers to a fake variant, a bright teal glider from Mondstadt. The shade doesn't match Xiao's wings, being much lighter, but it still looks decently similar. Disregarding color, obvious connections and slightly different shapes, it seemed like these wings were actually part of his body. "Flap a couple times? Might need to tighten a couple..."

His wings move, slowly at first, then stronger and faster until he blows stray bits of grass off the cliff they stand on. Something lights up in his memory, some fleeting whisper that seems familiar and just... right. It feels like he could soar across all of Teyvat if he wished.

The traveler's hands reach forward again, adjusting a few more ties. Every little revision increases the feeling: this is right, this is correct, this is what it was always meant to feel like. Xiao wonders with a flicker of resentment just how long he spent deprived of this.

"I think that's it," Lumine says, as her hands wave invitingly towards the ground below them, "Whenever you're ready."

He stares blankly for a moment. The realm she created is breathtakingly gorgeous, every decoration crafted with skill and placed with precision. Enclosed in a large square of roofed walkways, flowers and bushes grow in neat patches. He makes out Sweet Flowers and Qingxin among them.

It amazed him that he was allowed to walk freely in a place this beautiful. He was a horrid creature undeserving of this alluring background. Yet Lumine was willing to attempt this, to help him to reach the sky again. No matter how many years passed, he was certain that her kindness would never be forgotten.

As much as he wishes to touch the clouds again... For whatever reason, anxiety refuses to leave his veins. He swallows over and over again, but the lump in his throat refuses to depart.

"Will you..."


Xiao hadn't realized he was speaking until she urged him to continue. Part of him wants to shake his head, just pass the idea off as nothing. Jump and fly like he always desired.

"Will you go with me?" He does not say. He does not say anything. There is no need to burden the traveler further-

She smiles, as sweet as the flowers growing below them. Her hand reaches over and grabs his. "Of course."

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