i got motivation for another story so hi

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someone remind me to change that cover i hate it again ew old art what a disgrace

excuse any typos, this was done from approximately 10pm to 2am, im sleep deprived, and i refuse to go back and read it again and check for errors and all that, thats for losers who aint confident in they writin skills (aka People Who Are More Lame Than Me, PWAMLTM for short, trademark copyright etc.)


In which Lumine has a nightmare, but Xiao is there and has some complaints about that.


Lumine's brows knit together in agitation, her hands clenching into fists. Her breaths come in staggered gasps.

It's ironic, how the moonlight streaming onto her face paints her body in wondrous colors. Makes her look like an angel, makes her look absolutely divine, as if she were an adeptus rather than a human. She's gorgeous, especially in sleep, her features taking on a calm, ethereal aura.

But not tonight.

Tonight, Lumine is having a nightmare. It's the only conclusion Xiao can think of as he studies her.

And he... He wants to stop it.

But how? Xiao isn't any expert on humans. He can't fathom any of their activities, let alone figure out some method in which to pull them from a torturous illusion conjured by their subconscious.

That's it, though, isn't it? Dreams are just illusions, false stories and beliefs of what could be. The same goes for nightmares. How does he get her away from the fake sensations that wrap around her, then?

The Vigilant Yaksha, the Conqueror of Demons... has absolutely no clue.

He does, however, have instinct. And it's whispering at him very unhelpfully to touch her. He can't. He'll stain her, he'll taint her... Lumine cannot carry any of Xiao's karma. He won't allow it. That burden belongs only to him. As drawn as he is to Lumine, he's... Afraid. Terrified, even. Terrified that he'll hurt her. For a being as tainted as he, he has seen and experienced harm. He'd seen countless creatures become corrupted by the karmic debt he carried, and felt it ravage his own soul as well. And it would not happen to Lumine. He couldn't bear to see that happen...

Xiao is like a planet orbiting the star that is Lumine; drawn in, pulled in by her, but never allowed to touch.

But here she is, suffering quietly, sweat beginning to bead on her forehead. Xiao's hands tense into fists and then relax again, torn between doing something and staying still. He can't just leave her like this...!

Though the nightmare of karmic debt is far different from literal nightmares, it still taught Xiao what suffering felt like. And for Lumine? No, no, he cannot allow that. His eyes narrow as he finally makes a decision-

And before he can change in his mind, he reaches out and grabs her hand in his.

His entire being stops functioning at once, overwhelmed by the pure warmth of Lumine's hand.

Xiao has never felt anything like this- this welcoming feeling, like a warm fireplace offered to him on a cold, snowy night. It's strange, considering how small her hand is compared to his own- he could probably fit both of her wrists in one of his palms- yet despite the difference, holding it feels so... Satisfying. Endearing. Comforting.

He watches silently as Lumine's breathing calms, her features dissolving into peace once again. Xiao breathes out a sigh of relief that he had no idea he was holding. He looks down to where their hands are still connected, and his cheeks flush pink. He shouldn't- He shouldn't be- He has no right to touch her-

He pulls his hand away, his entire body complaining at the loss of her warmth. But he knows he shouldn't... Well. Maybe he can keep watch, in case she has another nightmare- and only in case of nightmares, definitely not due to the insistent whisper in the back of his head that he just likes being around her. Xiao shuts the voice out with a growl, sitting down on the edge of the bed and staring at Lumine.

Her head rests calmly on a pillow, one of the others occupied by the tiny form of her travelling companion. Xiao is always forgetting the little faerie's name, barely giving her a glance most of the time.

Minutes blur together as he watches silently. Soon enough, boredom begins to set in. He finds himself eyeing the small room Wangshu Inn had lent to the traveler, studying their patterns. The walls are a dirty white shade, not a super pretty color, but at least they're in good shape. There's no sign of wear or tear anywhere- no dust or debris; perhaps he should give the inn's staff a little more credit for their work...

Xiao holds up the hand he'd used to touch Lumine, scrutinizing it carefully. Heat rises to his face again when he remembers how it felt to hold her hand. What about this hand was deserving of the warmth of the traveler? Maybe there was nothing. Maybe he wasn't worthy, and he'd just stolen a bit of her light and heat. How did he even feel it, anyway? His entire life, Xiao just felt... so empty. Like even if he were being burned alive, he would still just feel cold and dead and empty. But here it was- proof that he could still feel, could still experience. What did it mean? Why is a corrupted being allowed, or even capable of feeling these things?

He's not sure how, but pondering that question ate up more time. It could've been minutes, or hours- Xiao's not certain. He looks at the window, watches the trees outside sway in the breeze. The wind whistles past, like a lullaby... Xiao's eyelids suddenly feel so heavy...

No. No... Stay awake. Can't... Can't sleep. He insists, sitting up straighter. How long has it been since he last fell asleep, anyway? Xiao could go for quite a long time without sleep, even weeks or months or maybe years. Why now? Why does the blanket beneath him suddenly look so comfortable? Yawn. Maybe he's exhausted himself again? Let's see... He's never really bothered to count how many demons he slaughters, but... Maybe... Maybe there was just, uh... A lot... and... he just... got incredibly tired... from...


Lumine blinks open her eyes, a little irritated at the sunlight that dared to disturb her. Maybe it was her fault, for falling asleep facing the window... Ugh. She should get up. But... She doesn't want to. Can't a traveler get an extra five minutes? I've fought Mondstadt's big dragon, beat up a Fatui Harbinger and a weird watery snake serpent thing, I deserve more rest... She thinks, pulling the blanket over her head and closing her eyes again. 

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