lumine literally sleeps

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(hullo fellas sorry that i kinda died, school started so i had to actually be a responsible productive person but anyways im here for a quick update)

(anyway i probably mentioned this before but my friends and i do a genshin rp on discord so im gonna just yeet what happened there into here bc it's entertaining content for my simping xiaolumi brain, and yours too)
(for context im playing xiao and my friend Push is playing lumi, I haven't edited lumine's parts that much [just corrected spelling etc.] so it's two different styles here, ehe sorry if it gets confusing)

There's something different about fighting monsters that haven't been corrupted by darkness. They're easier to take down, not growling and resisting Xiao's blows like he was used to. Instead, their attacks were remarkably easy to dodge, and they fell to the ground easily. Within seconds, this group had been demolished by the yaksha and the traveler. Xiao ignores the destruction surrounding him and looks over at Lumine.

 "Is that all?" He asks, referring to the commissions given to her by the Adventurer's Guild. Apparently she'd been assigned some in Liyue today, and thus Xiao had agreed to help her.

Lumine grabbed her sword that was once impaled in a hilichurl. Her breaths were fast and short, all of the slashing and stabbing with her sword was tiring. Thankfully, using her elemental powers didn't take too much effort but it was still tiring once done so much. Normally, commissions took this much effort, with Xiao's help things were a bit easier, buuuuuut that just made Lumine more determined to kill as many hilichurls as possible. Possibly trying to impress Xiao in the process.. possibly. Lumine held her sword in her hand and faced the adeptus. As she regained her breath, she suddenly felt very dizzy. She did her best trying to shake off the feeling, but...

 "Y-Yeah, yeah, that's all of them. Let me just-.."

 Before she got to finish her sentence, her legs felt so wobbly, causing her to lose her balance. She began to fall forward.

Xiao's eyes narrowed in a mix of suspicion and concern when she had stumbled on her words. It seemed like something was wrong, so he wasn't that surprised when his suspicions were confirmed a moment later.

 He'd once claimed his name meant "swiftness". It was in situations like these that this was incredibly evident.

 No sooner than half a second after Lumine had begun to fall had Xiao crossed the sizable distance between them and grabbed her.

 "Are you alright?"

 His eyes shine with concern, studying her carefully for any signs of injury.

It took Lumine a moment to regain her vision, and other senses, but once she did she noticed she was not the only one keeping her stable. She looked up and was met with the sharp, yet gentle, golden eyes that stared into her very own. She would've stared forever until she got lost in them if she could, but then she realized the quite small distance between the two. Her cheeks flushed pink, her heart was already beating fast so nothing changed there. Although, if she were trying to put it back to normal speed before, it wouldn't be too easy now. Ah!- She almost forgot she needed to speak. 

 "Y-Yes, I'm okay." 

 Lumine gazed elsewhere due to embarrassment. 

 "I think I just need to sit down for a moment."

As soon as she speaks the words, he's picking her up gently, one hand on her back and the other supporting her legs. The yaksha carries her silently across the grass, stepping over the ruined stones surrounding a path nearby, and sets her down against a tree. 

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