Back To The Set

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Dateline: 3:30 PM at Dragon School

Chris was outside the school parking lot, waiting for his kids to come out after nearly seven hours of learning. Eventually, after a couple of minutes of waiting, they got out of school before seeing them being talked to by a small ginger-haired girl. He sat there waiting for them to be done with their conversation before heading in the car to drive to Leavesden Studios. While driving, Chris touches on a subject; the first day.

"So, how was school?"

"It was good," Emma said, a little worried about dealing with Bonnie.

"Same here," said Dan.

"So, I've heard you've made a new friend, Emma. Tell us about it!" said Chris with enthusiasm.

"What? No! My Friend? That ginger-haired girl?! She kept bragging that she might get intimate with her 'Precious Danny Poo!'" she exclaimed, leaving Chris and Dan in a worried state. "However, we did meet a friend at school. His name's Tom, and he's a good friend of ours from the set. Bonnie, unfortunately, is on the set too."

"Wait, Bonnie was the ginger-haired girl?"

"Yes! She is such a pain! For me to see her blush at him every time she thinks he's looking at her, Puh-lease."

"Luckily, I don't share an interest in her; I only share an interest in you, Emma. Nothing can ever change that." Dan said with pride.

"Thanks," she said, blushing.

"Ah, here we are, good old Leavesden Studios!" Chris said, pointing at the building.

"It's good to be back!" they both said.

Chris then dropped them off, but not before getting a kiss on Emma's forehead and a bone-crusher from Dan. They headed inside and the first person to see them was Bonnie. She stared at them for what looked like for countless hours until a blonde person sneaked up and took Dan and Emma away from her—leaving with a glare coming out of her face at the three kids. Dan was more than likely to punch the guy who dragged them away until he heard a familiar voice.

"Dan, Emma, relax! It's me, Tom, your best friend from school!"

"Tom, what's going on?" said Dan.

"Listen, Bonnie's trying to get you to fall in love with her, so whatever you do, Emma, don't let go of Dan for as long as you shall live! It's the only chance that Bonnie will start to notice that she's not the right person for you, Dan."

"She only wants me because of my clout and fame. Like Harry and Ginny does all the time! How can I even deal with these fan-girls who get all up in my business? I mean, welcome to fame, I guess."

"Exactly. Excuse me, for a second, Dan." Tom said, taking Emma away from Dan.

"Now, please listen, Emma, because it's crucial. Be sure that whenever Dan is with any fan-girl like Bonnie or anyone, be sure to stay as close to Dan as possible. That way, Bonnie won't become in this Radcliffe-and-Wright-Having-Kids-Or-Getting-Married-Scenario. Instead, be sure that it stays in the Radcliffe-and-Watson-Getting-Married-and-Having-A-Healthy-Relationship Scenario. Oh, and er... guys might be falling for you sooner or later. Like a couple of guys. Their names: Liam, Louis, Rupert, and even Matt has a crush on you."

"Oh, no," Emma said, very scared.

"I know, right?" Tom said with a laugh.

"No, not that! Look!" she said, pointing at Bonnie, who's talking with Dan.

"That's It!" Tom said in rage. "Bonnie! Don't You Even Know That Emma Likes Dan A Lot! Didn't You Hear The Conversation During Lunch?! He Doesn't Have An Interest In You!"

"I Don't Care What You Think, Thomas! No One's Having My Danny Poo Except Me!" she said, leaning in, hoping for a kiss from Dan.

Dan starts to walk away before Bonnie grabs him by the neck, and without hesitation, Emma and Tom were pushing Dan away from her. Bonnie starts to punch them until they've hit the floor before looking at Dan, kissing him full on the mouth. And, for some reason, he never kissed back! Instead, he pulled away from her.

"Bonnie! I Don't Love You and I'll Never Will!" he said, storming off in anger.

"Danny Poo, Come Back!" Bonnie said, screaming and running in the halls.

"NO!" he screamed, running to the nearest men's bathroom stall, and hid himself from view.

Emma and Tom were still lying on the floor with little bits of blood coming out of their faces before someone came up and started to kick their faces even more. Bonnie was there, kicking both of their faces for what it seems like two hours of torture until someone came upon the scene. It was Chris Columbus.

"Bonnie! What Is The Meaning Of This?!"

"Uh...W-well y-you see M-Mr. Columbus, I-"

"I'll take it from here, Chris." said another voice, this time, it was Producer David Heyman.

"I Don't Care How Long You've Made Dan Cry Because Of The Tension Between Him and Emma; why Did You Do This Bloody Mess!" he screamed.

"I Kicked Them So That They Won't Be Friends With My Danny Poo! They're Really Stupid; You Know That?!"

"No! Tom, Emma, and Dan Are The Best Trio A Movie Can Ask For! And You'd Expect Me To Show Them Stupidity?!"

"Yes! Give Them What It's Worth, You Know!"

"No! That's Wrong! And For That Reason, You're No Longer To Work At The Set Anymore! You're Finished!"

"WHY?!" she sobbed.

"Why?! I'll Tell You Why! You've Made A Bloody Mess, Kicking Around Tom and Emma Like They're Your Toys, You've Disrespected Chris and Me and, You've Made Dan Into A Monster! So, Pack Your Stuff and Never Come Back!"

"FINE!" she sobbed again, running to get her stuff.

"Oh, and if this makes you happy, Emma, I like the idea of a private relationship."

"You do? I thought no actors couldn't have a relationship on the set?" questioned Emma.

"Ah, there's a quirk in the rules. You are allowed to have a personal relationship, but you should not share it in public. Until the final film is released, you're allowed to expose the secret!"

"I can live with that."

"Good. Now, um... where's Dan?"

"Oh, he ran off to the men's bathroom, probably crying because Bonnie kissed him full on the mouth leading him to an outrage."

"She Did What?!"

"Hey, Hey, David, relax," Chris said calmly.

"Okay, I'm calm. Now, er...Tom, would you please go and get Dan from the bathroom? We're about to start filming in a couple of minutes."

"Yes, sir," he said, walking down the halls. "You can tag along, Emma."

"That's a Men's Bathroom! There- Oh, wait, Don't Worry Dan, I'm Coming!" she said, running off to catch up with Tom.

They eventually reached the door that leads to the Men's Bathroom, and when they opened it, they could hear someone crying and yelling.

"Who Is It?!"

"It's Tom."

"And Emma."

"What are you doing here?" he asked as Emma crawled under the bathroom stall to meet Dan in her eyes.

"First, I can't help but see you like this. Second, we're about to start filming. Last but not least, this." she said, giving him a kiss on his lips, and he immediately kissed back, thankful to see her lips again.

They broke the kiss and hugged for about a minute before Tom yelled, "Oy, Lovebirds, Time To Start Filming!" to which Dan replied with, "Coming!" before coming out of the stall. He said that he'd get Tom and her with some extra medical help after the first scene. After getting out of the restroom, Dan and Emma met Tom on the main set, and they were filming the first scene of the day, when Harry and Hermione are looking at their memories in Dudley's Second Bedroom. Then, after a few more scenes, it was time to go home and discuss the things that happened on this wild and crazy day. 

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