U.S. Premiere Part II

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Dateline: November 14th, 2002

Dan's POV

That was really embarrassing. I knew this was going to happen. Now people are going to get the wrong idea again! We've literally got to think of something fast before the Premiere tomorrow at 20:00! 

Dateline: November 15th, 2002

It's mourning now, and I've just realized that me and Emma haven't picked up our outfits for the Premiere! We've been spending so much time in New York; it feels like the time we've spent in New York passed by fast like a bolt of Lightning! After a quick breakfast, myself, Emma, Alan, and Jaqueline headed to the nearest shopping mall from the hotel to pick out our clothes for the Premiere at Radio City Music Hall. Chris has an important phone call for his company, and we all figured that he might need something special, too, given that he has a busy mourning with a lot of calls in the latter part of the day. Anyways, we headed inside the store and tried out different types of clothing.

I really liked the black blazer with the black pants and the green/brown flower shirt. It's not the best match for a man, but this series is all about love, so why don't I show my appreciation for once? Emma, on the other hand, is not making any progress. She wants to have something where her shoulders are showing so that she could stand out in a crowd and make the world go crazy. After Alan paid for my outfit, I realized Emma and Jacqueline were still undeceive on Emma's outfit. All they had was a dark green blazer and pants with big flowers and this pretty dress with shoulders showing that would make her stand out in a crowd, but the problem was, from what I could tell, is that it was too short for Emma's size. Instead, they have to buy the dark green blazer and pants with big flowers. Honestly, the store didn't have many options to choose from, but there was nothing too special for having the right size for Emma. We were just about to head out and enjoy the rest of the day with no distractions, no press, and no interviews. What could possibly go wrong?

"We need to get Chris, myself, and Jacqueline a suit," Alan said.

He's right. Since Chris has a ton of calls in the afternoon, he can't get up and go to the store and pick out the outfit for himself. He even promised he'll go to the Premiere with Emma and Dan as well. Being the kind "brother" he is, Alan picked out his outfit for him and even said that Alan would be wearing the same outfit as Chris. After Alan got Chris the matching suit, there was a big scramble for everyone to have this beautiful dress that would look great on Jaqueline. Alan told me and Emma to find somewhere for everyone to eat while Alan, Chris, and Jaqueline dealt with the crowd who's after the dress. 

After strolling around outside the store, we found this nice Italian restaurant called Portal. That's basically something everyone would agree on, so me and Emma hid our faces, kept our distance, and waited for them from the store. They eventually caught up with us after five or so minutes. They even got the dress Jaqueline wanted for the premiere tonight!

Time: 1700

Me and Emma were getting our outfits on back at the hotel after a pretty interesting afternoon when we got even more fan-mail. This time it was this weird person named Jay who had some words for Emma like saying he should date her just for clout. Not to mention that Jay's sister wants to date me just for sex (which is technically clout). They haven't realized that me and Emma shouldn't date anyone outside the set because we're in an agreement to date each other not because we've known each other for a while, our parents found out about it, and they've been cool with it ever since. We just deleted the email and continued to get ready to put on our outfits for the 1900 premiere at Radio City Music Hall. As soon as we're done, we headed outside the hotel and standing right in front of us was a black limo. We were also told that Chris would be heading to the premiere, but didn't specify which way he was traveling. 

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