UK Premiere Part II

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Dateline: November 2nd, 2002

Emma's POV

As the show draws to a close, I completely forgot about everything, except with me being with Dan every now and then. The affectionate touches, the hugs that he gives, have a lot of fun in bed; it's all there. Tom told us yesterday that he would pick us up and head over to Odeon Leicester Square for the Premiere of Harry Potter and Hermione Granger: The Chamber of Secrets. The movie that we're going to see has action; new friends made along the way and a mystery that Harry and Hermione need to solve like real police officers and uncover the culprit behind the damage.

I was in my own world when I was reading The Perks of Being A Wallflower to myself until Dan came up to me and said in a whisper, "I'm so excited for the premiere! The Celebrities, Jo, the paparazzi,"

Oh, no! I've been focusing so hard in school and Dan for a while, and I didn't know that the paparazzi were still curious about our relationship!

"Dan, do you think that the paparazzi would be surprised if they didn't know that we're dating?" I said in a whisper.

"As long as we tell them the truth, we'll be fine, I guess."

All of a sudden, I heard my phone buzz. I took my eyes off of him for a little bit to look at my phone screen, and I saw a message from my dad. He told us to come outside the studio and get our premiere clothes on as the event was only twenty hours away. If we were to take a jet from here to England, it would take more than eighteen hours to get there, which is not a lot of time. So we exited the studio, and our dads and Alex were at the front entrance with our clothes for the premiere while standing next to a blonde-haired person. Tom was here.

"I thought you were supposed to be back in England!"

"Haven't I told you before, Dan? I told you that I would pick you guys up from NYC and head over to the premiere. It's gonna be a long journey and-" he stopped and checked his watch before making eye contact with us once again. "We have nineteen hours and forty-five minutes until the premiere. In the meantime, you two need to get changed. Luckily for us, we have a solution."

He grabs a remote from his pocket that was marked with four buttons in four different colours.

"This little tool helps you change into and out of clothes. It can also help you as a butler. The red one is for changing into clothes at a fast pace, the green one is for changing out of clothes, yellow is for butler treatment, and the blue one is the power button. Now, would you two stand close to each other, if you please?"

We did as we were told; we were both nervous about this, and I wondered if Tom was either going to fail or succeed in the countless number of inventions that he created with his parents.

"Alex, Alan, bring them their clothes!"

I saw Alan enter my side and Alex on Dan's side and brought us our premiere clothes.


"I guess," Dan said, looking scared.

"It'll be fine; trust me," I assured him, and he nodded. "All right, we're ready."

"Okay, here it goes," Tom said, pushing a button.

Suddenly, I was wearing a silky light-pink dress while the shoulders looked bare from Dan's point of view. I looked in shock at how fast the invention worked from Tom to get mine and Dan's clothes on as fast as lightning. We were scared that his machine might malfunction, but we ran over to him and threw our arms around him.

"Dan! Emma!"

"Tom -- that was brilliant, you know!"

"Don't mention it! Now, who's ready for the premiere!"

Physically, without answering, we walked to his jet and Dan and I got into our seats like last time. Our parents and Alex were not far behind as they were transported from the studio to the vehicle by another one of Tom's inventions. I know he likes to show off with his fancy gizmo gadgets, but he took it way too far now. Anyway, we strapped in our seatbelts, and the jet was up in the air.

Dateline: November 3rd, 2002 at 18:30

After a couple of hours, we made it back home to England. Well, technically, we're not going back home, but the U.K. Premiere of Harry Potter and Hermione Granger: The Chamber of Secrets at Odeon Leicester Square in downtown London is in full swing. So we got out of the jet, and immediately, the flashing of cameras and the interviewers were in our faces for a long time. Almost every reporter asked about our relationship, and Dan and I said that we're just really, really good friends. Although, to be honest, when talking in public to the press, I'm always scared of what I'm going to say because if Dan breaks up with me in our secret relationship, steps would have to be taken for David and Chris.

By the way, Alan and my dad told me a few weeks back about different zodiac signs. I was born on April fifteenth, and I'm an Aries, and Dan was born on July twenty-third, and he's a Leo. From what I've heard from Alan, Aries and Leo are a great match not because they're fire signs, but because they have great chemistry in bed and communicate with each other quite nicely. Speaking of which, Alex is on good terms with Courtney, but every time I see those two, I thought they were dating, but apparently, they're acting like two best friends who knew each other when they were six years old. He likes to keep his stuff private, especially in a relationship.

After answering a few questions and posing for more pictures, we headed inside, and we saw Jo again. It wasn't prevalent that we see Jo every day when we're on or off the set, but we see her a lot during premieres nowadays. Last year, there were two occasions on which we saw her: One right here, in this spot, and the other one over in New York City.

Tom wasted no time catching up to us, and all of a sudden, another person joined in as well; the figure had ginger hair and was wearing almost the same thing as Dan. The three of us recognized that Rupert joined us for the film. Also, it's good to point out that Ron would have a significant problem in The Prisoner of Azkaban when his pet Rat goes missing. During the end of the second year, Ron and Draco would be friends when paired up in class but would always act weird in front of everyone.

After chatting with Kenneth Branagh, Julie Walters, The Phelps Twins, Alan Rickman, and Maggie Smith, the premiere is in full swing in less than ten minutes. We made our way up to our usual spots like the last time we were there, and they had everything from last year, Meat and Salads for Dinner, Popcorn, Nachos, Soft Drinks for a snack, and Ice Cream Sundae for each of us for Dessert.

The lights were dimmed down to their lowest point in the theatre as the film began.

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