Chapter 21

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Please read the authors note at the end!

Chapter 21

*Jacquelyn's POV*

We arrived at about 10:02 because of the stupid parking, but hey it was basically the time I said we'd get here. We all squealed in excitement and got all the items we were taking in and got out of the car. I locked my car and put my keys in my draw string bag, and Luke came over to me intertwining our fingers as we made our way over to Ashton's car two cars down. Ashton was getting his bag out from the trunk of his car and Carly was patiently waiting next to him while Jerika and Calum came over to us holding hands.

"I'm fucking ready!" Jerika said excitedly jumping up and down as Calum looked at her and laughing.

"Dude same, I can't wait to see Issues!" I said just as excitedly doing a weird little dance move with my arms making them laugh at me. Just as everyone calmed down from laughing at me, Car and Ash walked up talking with shy smiles on their faces.

"Everyone got everything?" I asked making sure no one forgot something which could potentially be problematic. They all nodded their heads and we made our way to the front of the venue, where a long ass line was.

There were two lines and we went to the one where we saw people holding bags with cans. Luckily, before we had left I was looking on the website and discovered that if we each brought 3 canned goods we could get in quicker. So, figuring that was a good idea, I found enough for each of us and made sure we all had them in our bags.

After talking and goofing around for about 40 ish minutes the line had finally started to move along, meaning they were beginning to let people in. As we started to near the giant white tents that were the entrance, we all got our bags of canned goods out along with our tickets.

"I think that's where we take the bags." I said, pointing to a small tent that had a giant pile of bags with food in them next to it. Agreeing, we all walked over and handed them to a worker who thanked us and let us go back to the line.

"This line needs to hurry, I'm getting impatient!" Savannah said, leaning on Michael who was looking at her with a smile of adoration. The rest of us laughed and agreed with her. Finally after another 10 minutes, we made it past the tent after having our bags checked and tickets scanned.

"Alright, I'm going to go get a schedule and then we can figure out when the bands we want to see are playing. Does anyone else want one?" I asked, grabbing my little wallet thing from my bag.

"Me please!" Jerika said, and Savannah nodded her head indicating she wanted one too. Nodding my head, I started to make my way to the man whom was selling them, when I felt someone put their arm around my waist. I knew it was Luke because I was used to his embrace. I looked up and smiled at him, which he sweetly returned. After paying for 3 schedules, we made our way back to our group and I gave Jer and Van their schedules.

"Do you have an extra sharpie?" Jerika asked me, to which I said yes and gave her my other one. We all wanted to see the same bands so we put marks by their names and looked at the meet and greet times. Thankfully there was enough time in between the sets that we wanted to see to be able to go to all of the meet and greets.

"Let's go to each place and see if we need to get bracelets or something before they sell out! We have time, Mayday Parade doesn't start till 12." I said to them, and they nodded at me.

Luke grabbed the schedule and turned it around to look at the map. "Let's go to the Journey's Tent first and then we'll make our way around." He said and we all headed off in the direction he pointed to. After making our way to all of the meet and greet sites, we ended up having to get wristband for Issues, but the others said we didn't need anything but to just show up and get in line. Happily, we all made our way to the Kia Electric Soul Stage where Mayday Parade would be playing at in approximately 5 minutes.

"Let's make our way closer, I'll push us nicely to the front." Michael said, grabbing Savannahs hand and starting to walk through people. Luke laced his fingers with mine, and Jer and Cal did the same. I looked over to Carly and Ashton seeing he was reaching over to grab her hand as well. I nudged Luke, and looked over at them, he caught on and smiled at the sight. We really wanted them together, because well, they were perfect for each other. Giving me a quick kiss on the nose, Luke turned back around and continued to follow Jerika and Cal who were behind Mikey and Van. Once we found a better place for our group, we looked up to see the guitarists and drummer run out on the stage with Derek following behind them and the opening chords of Ghost started.

"Holy shit!" I said excitedly as Derek started singing and everyone started to jump around. Luke just laughed at me as well as the others. We all jumped with everyone else and sang along with our hands in the air.

This is going to be a fantastic fucking day, I thought to myself and smiled as I sang along.


Hi, hello guys.

Please don't be mad or upset with me!

I'm really sorry I haven't updated in like a really really long time. But I had just lost interest in this story, but my cousin told me I should start writing again and so I did. I know this is really short and I apologise for how shitty it is too. I'm a little rusty! I'll try to update more.

I missed you all.

Please comment, vote, and share!

Till next time!

Love youuu♡

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