Chapter 6.

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Rose sends Deacon the name of the driver ''be careful with how you use it''. After that she goes to work. Rose is working with the gang because she in under observation. When she gets in she sees Rydell waiting by the door. "you are late, I don't wait Rose. Don't let it happen again." Rydell says annoyed. "I'm sorry I needed to do something." Rose says following him to his office. She sits down with a puff on the chair. "So, what are we doing today Selvator?" She asks "Well WE aren't doing anything. You are not shadowing me today but Aiden. And before you start this is not punishment. I have paper work and he is going on a field job, so you will be more off use there." Rydell says signing at Aiden to come in. "Fine, but he better not be some rooky or something." She says walking towards Aiden. He opens the door for her "Trust me, I'm not Darling." Aiden reacts walking after her. Rydell laughs and thinks to himself "well that is going to be a murderous duo."

Max is sitting on the couch when the doorbell rings

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Max is sitting on the couch when the doorbell rings. He looks out the peek hole in the door and doesn't recognize the man standing there. He thinks Lombardi send him. He takes out his gun and holds it behind his back while opening the door. "Hi, does Rose Ortega live here I am a friend of hers?" Deacon asks. "Yeah she lives here come on in." Max says. Once Deacon is inside the house he is surprised by max putting a gun against his head. "Kid you really don't want to do that" Deacon says. Max steps forward "Who are you and why do you know where we live?" Max yells. "Like I said kid, I am a friend of your sister. Call her asks her?" Deacon says unaffected knowing that if he wanted to: he could get out off this situation but if Rose found out he hurt her brother he would be fucked. "That is why I know your lying pal, Rose doesn't have any friends." max says. Deacon gets the gun out of max's hand. He takes the bullets out in one move and puts the gun down empty. "let's call her." Deacon says grabbing his phone. They called her, and Rose said to stay put. She wants to know exactly why Deacon showed up at her house without notice. "Sorry man, can we let out the gun part she doesn't know I got it." Max asks. "Sure, I get it. If you are going to carry a gun you really should learn how to work with it, so they can't use it against you kid. Because that right here was kind of pathetic'' Deacon reacts they both start laughing.

 Rose comes home. And her work day went normal. She kinda had fun with Aiden. More than she expected to have with a ex con. When she walks inside she sees Max and Deacon Gaming. "Hey Hermano, can you give us a minute?" She says grabbing his shoulder. "Off course see you Deacon." he said nodding at Deacon. "Later kid." he said grinning. "I see you and my brother are getting along. To what do I owe this visit Spencer?" Rose asks while sitting in Max's place next to Deacon. "Wait you're not going to yell at me, like. Deacon boundaries." Deacon Imitates her. "No I am not because I learned by now that you just do what you want anyway.'' Rose says. Deacon starts to smile. He told her he would be gone for a week. They chilled for a bit and he left.

Phone call: Gabe calls Max.

Max: hey how are you, does Diana like spain.

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