3. The exam

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A/N: I feel like the song goes well with the chapter. I would recommend playing it on repeat

Metal doors stood in front of her. They had separated her and put her in a smaller group. The rest of the kids looked determined, some of them trying to concentrate, others reading or stretching, it wasn't a good atmosphere, you could smell the determination in all of them. It was a competition, and they were lucky that it was prohibited to hurt other students, if not they would have been all down the moment they put them in smaller groups. Kira looked ahead, walking towards the doors, putting a hand on them so she'd be the first to enter. She felt like throwing up due to the anticipation, it was too much.

The doors opened all of a sudden and she wasted no time. She had to be first, the weren't other options, even if that meant she'd have to cheat a little bit, entering without waiting for permission. However, most of the other kids followed her, hearing Present Mic from a distance saying that there was no count down in real life. Kira ran, as quickly as she could, pushing herself from the ground with her flames to land on one of the 3 points robots before burning all the circuits on it with direct firepower applied almost to perfection to not hurt anyone, not even the robots materials, except the control panel. She hurried, jumping to the ground before the robot dropped on the ground. It wasn't that difficult after all.

Three destroyed robots in the bucket she was feeling confident, she could take them all, or so she thought. One of the kids was frozen in place, she looked as if she couldn't move due to some kind of injury. One robot ahead targeting the kid was enough for Kira to know the girl was in danger. She used her flames to propel herself running across one of the walls of the building near the girl, there wasn't time to explain anything. She carried the girl to the side making sure she was ok in the process before running back to the doctor to burn it to ashes, anger filling her eyes. Were the teachers going to let the kids die during the exam? What would have happened if she wasn't there? She kept going, destroying robots right and left, helping those who were too scared or unable to move for some reason, be it shock or injuries, even pushing them away from the way if it was necessary, being too scared to leave them deal with those things alone.

Her hair had started to float, burning on the ends with little flames when she heard one boy scream. She looked at the boy, noticing the panic that filled his eyes. Kira looked behind her, kids running towards her, away from that giant machine, that was worth zero points? She swallowed dry, fear filling her, mixed with anger. She started running towards it, she needed more points, she was not done yet, and no stupid robot was going to stand in her way.

Blue flames surrounded her without even noticing. She was on the air, propelling herself directly to that gigantic mass of metal before angling her hands forward. She surrounded it with flames, full of frustration and anger, she was going to win. The metal soon turned red and its cables melted with the immense heat while she screamed almost in pain due to the new feeling as it was the first time she reached such temperatures. Kira fell to the ground, being saved by the same boy who she heard screaming.

—You are definitely nuts...

Kira heard him say, not paying much attention to his words.

—I saved your ass, be fucking grateful.

She replied as the purple-haired boy let her back in the ground, fast enough so she could push him to the side, propelling both of them out of the robot's way as it fell to the ground. Action that she quickly repeated to more times with different people before the mass of metal touched the ground.

— Are you guys ok?

She asked the small group, to which she received impressed nods from everyone.

—Then, SCATTER. and try not to fucking die.

Before she could even move a finger to look for more robots the voice of Present Mic stopped her. The exam was finished, and she had only gotten 50 points. It was far more than all in her group but, was it enough to be number one? She doubted that.

Kira did not wait for that group of kids, she simply left to get her things back, avoiding all the looks from the people that she shared the exam with, she could tell some of them were angry, after all, she had taken most of the robots down leaving them little chance to get in. It wasn't her fault, she had been training for that since she was little, that was her dream and for her father to accept it she had to be number one. Kira pitied them, she knew how it felt like to have your dreams torn into pieces, but it was too late to do anything now.

A few days passed, almost too slow for her liking when the letter finally came. She wasn't the first to find it, which was unfortunate. Her dad had called her to dinner with too much of an unpolite tone for her liking, and when she saw the letter on the table everything made sense. Endeavor had called all of them, one of the few times they sat together. He was so angry he hadn't even taken his costume off.

— Care to explain?

He asked, making everyone in the room tense up. Fuyumi being so scared that she didn't even start to serve the meal, just watching them back and forth, ready to jump in the middle if things got out of control.

—Read it.

Kira answered before swallowing dry, holding her breath in hope that everything went according to plan.

—This is not the school we talked about. I told you...



— I DON'T CARE! I...

An unfamiliar voice started to speak. Reflected on the wall of the room All Might was talking. Shoto had opened the letter while they were fighting.

—"....After passing the written exam with the best mark I'm happy to tell you you scored 50 points on the attack part of the exam, but before I give you the entire score take a look at this video..."

There was a little screen on the top left, where the small group she saved last was asking the administration to thank her for saving them during the exam. Her eyes teared up, did they really do that?

—"...How could a school for heroes not prize those who help others even when it means risking themselves? For this, we grant you 27 rescue points! as a prize for all the kids you helped!. This gives you a total of 77 points, sharing the first place of the exam with only one other student. Welcome to Class 1 A of the UA!"

The video ended there, and inside there were notes with everything she would need at the beginning of the year. Kira looked back to her dad, who remained serious as well as Shoto, who looked as if he could not believe what had just happened.

—I told you I could do it. First place. 


Third chapter done, hope you like it! I really enjoy writing it! Please remember to vote and or comment if you like my story, it would mean the world to me 💖💖

— Destiny

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