20. Broken hopes

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It was late, way too late for them to be sparring. The only excuse they could think of dropped from their mouths over and over again every time any of them watched the horizon as its colors started to become lighter: "It's Saturday tomorrow, you/we can sleep in". A poor excuse for such brilliant minds. There was no small talk if there had been any talk at all. Shouted corrections and angered noises were the only means of communication since they found each other. Kira evaded talking as much as possible, taking her training as a form of escapism from reality. If she thought of it too much her cheeks would match the red on her strands of hair and her concentration would be messed up. Sparring with someone you like shouldn't be that hard, after all, the girl blacked out in a violent rage of competition and anger after a few minutes, and the lack of pauses helped them both to avoid the topic, or so they thought.

Glimpses of the sun invaded the horizon as Kira fell once again to the ground, topped by the ash blond, who had a devilish smirk on his face. Evading his eyes she looked at the sky, noticing the sudden brightness of it. Bakugou followed her gaze reaching the same conclusion: they should go home.

— Guess time does fly when you are winning.

He teased, keeping that devilish smirk on his lips. Kira looked at him, for a slight moment before pushing him off of her. She stood up, dusting her clothes off without responding.

—Hmm. What happened to the chatty you? I liked that one much better...

It was a stupid question, yet that was what pissed her off the most. He did know, didn't he? For the first time in years, Kira felt like a complete fraud. She prided herself on her bravery, but she was a complete coward when it came down to her feelings. Too scared of being hurt she couldn't even suggest it.

—She's dead, I killed her after you told me she was annoying.

She teased back, walking to her bag to grab some water in hopes to avoid any other possible question. It was easier to evade having contact with him than to sit down and chat and she preferred it that way.

—Uh, so now you do whatever I want?

The redhead arched her brow while drinking from her bottle, looking directly into those red eyes as if challenging him to say it again. The blond did not react, maintaining eye contact as he walked towards her. His bag was next to hers yet that was not the reason for him to approach

—Let me test out my theory, extra. Give me your water bottle.

He demanded while leaning on the tree next to her. She followed suit, watching his smirk grow before he pressed the bottle against his lips. As soon as he did that Kira tipped the bottom of the bottle up to make it spill all over his clothes before she started laughing.


He yelled, watching how she only laughed harder at his angered screams.

—Your own fault, blasty. Can't believe you fell for that

Without even looking at him she took the bottle from his bag and started drinking it, ignoring his yelling altogether until he stood in front of her, leaving no chance for her eyes to escape anywhere. He took his bottle from her hand and drank from it, making sure she saw how he drained the last drop off of it. Instinctively she bit her lower lip, watching as he swallowed. Somehow that simple act was attractive to her. As Bakugou lowered the bottle he noticed how her cheeks turned red at the sudden realization he was looking at her. He wondered what she was thinking about yet he didn't have to wait too long for an answer, he didn't even have to ask.

It was an instinctive act, a stupid one, yet there she was, brushing her soft lips against his, leaning for a kiss that never happened. He pushed her back against the tree and the sudden wordless rejection made her face turn a deep shade of red. What had she done? Why would she even attempt that? Panic filled her chest as they looked at each other in shock. He took two steps back, filling his heart racing, unable to say anything. What was someone supposed to say after pushing back the girl they liked when she tried to kiss him? Did he actually even like her? No, of course not, he didn't like anyone, right?

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