19. Feelings

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Sparring sessions with Bakugou became a regular thing after that night. Kira had taken a liking to having the boy around, learning new tricks and strategies, even without using her powers, yet the sessions weren't as calm as normal sessions with Shinsou were. They turned violent quickly. It wasn't as much as showing new skills or tricks but about beating each other up. They gained nothing with it but a sense of control and relief, at least from Kira's perspective. Hitting him helped her push away her newfound emotions around the boy, and anger kept her mind quiet as they stretched.

That session started like all the others, yet when the ash-blond asked for a pause, her mind finally betrayed her. She laid back against one of the trees, before even noticing his bag was next to her. As he approached it her heart fluttered. It was the fifth time in ten days and the redhead found herself conflicted, what did that flutter even mean? The only plausible answer was the one she refused to believe, it would be completely absurd after all, especially for her. A snapping sound in front of her face brought her back to reality as a smirk crossed the blond's face.

—You are not gonna beat me if you space out like that, loser.

She arched a brow at his words as she crossed her arms, defying him with her eyes. He took a long sip of his bottles and Kira prayed to whatever was high above not to blush as maintaining eye contact with him was challenging enough without him smirking like that. Unconsciously the youngest bit her lower lip, her eyes wandering from his ruby irises to his lips and back to his eyes. He noticed as he copied her actions, almost choking with his water.

—Uhm. I'm kinda tired now, we slowed it down... better go rest.

The girl quickly excused herself as she walked to the small fire in the center of the clearing.

—Sure, me too. Let's go.

As he didn't even complain it was enough for both of them to reach the same conclusion, there were no feelings between them, and if there were they weren't reciprocated. Kira extinguished the purple flames with ease before walking to her backpack. Kira looked down at her wounded body as she put the bag on. She'd have to patch herself up when she arrived.

—Bye, blasty.

She said before leaving, not even waiting for a 'bye' in return.

The next day was quiet, at least until lunch, where she was yelled at by Mina as she escaped her grasp to go sit with her best friend, taking the purple-haired by surprise. Even if they texted every day the girl was often stolen from him at lunch by her classmates. They had reached an agreement, Fridays were his days, but it wasn't Friday.


He started before being quickly interrupted by the red-haired.

—How do you know if you like someone?

She asked almost in a panic as her heart fluttered again that morning as she was paired up with Katsuki for sparring training.

—I'm honored but I'm gay.

He joked letting out a small laugh only to receive a small slap on the back of his head.

—Stupid, quit it. It's serious, how do you know?

The desperation in her eyes made him scrunch up his nose before letting out a sigh. He had heard things from other girls, yet he didn't know much. Why was she even asking him that of all people?

—How do you not know these things?

Shinsou asked rhetorically before speaking again.

—From what I've heard and seen in movies your heart flutters, you blush a lot and you act stupid. Also, you like spending time with the person, I guess...

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