29. The twins' clash

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As Kira and her brother went back to their seats the fact that they would have to fight each other before the final sunk in. The tension grew as both of them tried to come up with a plan to defeat the other without hurting them. The rest of the world went blurry, as none of the other matches were important enough. For Kira this was the only opportunity she had to prove she was as strong as her brother, to prove she deserved the same attention he once got, that she wasn't just a useless little girl. For Shoto it was a breaking point, was he going to be able to fight his own twin? To hurt her?

Time flew by as they both stayed silent, until the match before theirs started. They were quick to run away from each other and into their waiting rooms to prepare for their round. Kira elongated while training her breathing, making sure she kept her entire body at the same temperature, ready for any attack. There was no plan this time, the thought of fighting their twin was enough to make them uncomfortable and keep their minds busy. The youngest let out a sigh, their siblings were probably watching, were they gonna be able to watch that match? watch as they went at each other with their best trick against each other's quirk? It would hurt them, she knew, but there was no other option if they wanted to get first place, they were not giving up now, it was too late to back off.

She walked towards the entrance, feeling as the fire stored inside her roared, ready for battle. They met in the center of the field, knowing millions of eyes were upon them. The flashiest quirks of the class, the children of pro hero Endeavour, the opposites, a match made in heaven for publicity and in hell for both participants. As expected, there were no word exchanges, just determination, pity, and pain mixed in both pairs of eyes as they looked at their opponents. Kira let out a sigh as she shook her brother's hand before taking two steps back as Midnight gave a small speech, explaining for the hundredth time the rules before giving the sign

For a moment calm took over, as they both waited for the other to make their first move. A small smirk crossed Kira's face, they both thought of the same strategy. She let out a small laugh, before giving him the advantage. Blue ribbons surrounded her body, turning into sharp flames as she pushed them to the floor, causing a wave of blue to go in her brother's direction, using the same impulse to throw herself on the air and twist the flames of her hands to throw a spiral of fire toward Shoto's head. At the same time, Shoto surrounded the area with his ice, using the same pillar to throw one of them at Kira's stomach which she quickly dodged, landing back on the battlefield.

Her moves were quick, clean, and efficient, almost as perfect as his, yet there was something none of them took into account, the difference in temperature. By pure logic, Shoto was not going to use his fire at all, as it would be useless against her, and Kira had no ice at her disposal, so the difference in their body temperatures was high. Even if they kept balancing each other's temperature out with their quirks, if any of them touched the other's quirk they would probably get seriously injured. It was Mydorya who pointed that out to the rest of the class, who were actively watching the match, unable to comment on it as the match became even louder and more extravagant by the second.

The girl looked like a merciless goddess as every move was coldly calculated, with insane speed and precision, and executed with an almost ballerina-like aesthetic movement. The mix between Shoto's roughness and his sister's delicacy was a blessing to those able to see them, as even grasping a glimpse of it was difficult due to the conditions of the battlefield and its surroundings. Kira's flames were a quick long-range method to keep Shoto's blasts at bay, yet inefficient to land a punch on him or gain any visibility. For every ice attack Shoto threw she fought back, causing constant explosions and fog that surrounded the battlefield, making it hard for the rest to see as shinny white and blue fought for dominance. Kira's brain finally gave her an idea, yet it required her to let Shoto get some terrain. Her attacks became more direct, as Shoto's ice surrounded them. When finally he struck from behind, Kira flew into the air, landing above his ice. She ran, noticing as the ice melted away with every step she took, as her flames became sharp as blades. She jumped up at the end of the iced platform, doing a flip before kicking a blast of blue flames directly to his brother's face, who took cover behind a wall of ice, leaving his back uncovered, or so Kira thought as when she went for her second attack a blast of ice almost hit her directly on the stomach. She could barely evade him now.

Her anger with herself grew, there was no way he would win that. Kira propelled herself back to one side, using her fire to skate on Shoto's ice to gain some terrain as she finally tried her last method. As flames taller than herself and part of the stadium surrounded the ring Kira hid within them, running around the field to try and catch his brother unaware, and so she did. As Shoto extinguished part of the fire surrounding him Kira propelled herself up, ready to strike back down

While the teachers considered ending the match right then and there and call it a tie to solve it with any other method Kira landed in front of Shoto, allowing the flames to burn anything around her, reaching height and heating levels she'd never reached before, as the lowest rows of the stadium howled out in fear, distracting her enough for Shoto to both protect himself and land his last punch directly to the lower part of her chin, pushing her to the opposite end of the stadium, where she landed on his brother's ice as her consciousness quickly slipped away while her body started to shiver due to the shock and difference of temperature

Shoto's heart dropped the moment Kira landed, and as the match was officially finished and he ran towards her, a certain blond in the audience felt as every cell of his body filled with both anger and jealousy. She had fought perfectly, evading every attack with graceful pirouette-like movements, almost as if she was dancing the whole time. As if her body could not make any rough movements and yet it wasn't enough, she was defeated, and probably dead. He stood up to leave for the waiting room as the teachers announced another break before his match due to the ring's condition. The last thing he saw with his watery eyes was Kira being held by that icy-hot bastard and then he was gone, yet his route had changed, he couldn't prepare for another fight until he saw that she was alive and well with his own eyes.


Hope you enjoyed!

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QUESTION OF THE WEEK: Did you expect that for the Kira vs Shoto match?

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