33. Voices in the night

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Night had fallen as did every sound inside the house, yet the lights remained on as a constant reminder that no one could sleep that night. Kira's face was swollen due to hours of constant crying of guilt. She had burnt people in the audience without even noticing. Even if she now knew that fire wouldn't kill her due to the discoveries the doctors made that evening she couldn't stop her mind from racing through everything that had happened. She had no clue on what the news were saying, how now her family name was all over the place along with the titles "one of the most powerful families of Japan" and "The future of the heroes". The need to apologize surpassed her in every way, even after the fight she had with her father.

She walked to her father's studio at an agonizingly slow pace as doubts clouded her mind yet the voice of Fuyumi stopped a few meters from the door. Anger filled every word that she spoke, Kira was startled as she heard her.

—Truly, you didn't think this through? Kinda stupid, even for you.

Every inch of Kira's body tensed up as she heard her. Since when did Fuyumi get that mad? Since when did she get mad at all?

—Fuyumi you should...

Her father started only to be quickly interrupted by his older daughter. Enji was probably as shocked as she was at that moment. That wasn't how the eldest of the siblings acted at all.

—Let's review. You took an event that a few maybe three people knew to justify yourself so you could hide Kira's quirk from her to, maybe, benefit you in the future and when she begged you to train her you refused to. You were scared that she would commit the same mistakes Touya did and she did as she thought it was the only way to learn, you made her hate you when you didn't need to. Do you know why we like mom better than you? Because she at least tries to be a good mother. So yeah, congratulations! You've redefined your legacy. Now you have more success than you could imagine even being the number two.

Fuyumi's anger seemed to grow as Kira walked a few centimeters towards the door.

—Fuyumi , you don't understand!

—I said congratulations!

—It was an act of sacrifice!

She heard Fuyumi chuckle at her father's words. She could barely see anything through the paper doors yet her sister's posture was tense, her hands seemed clenched in fists. Kira stopped herself, knowing she would be seen if she went any closer. They were talking about her after all, it was normal to be curious about her eldest sibling's attitude.

—You speak about sacrifice? I live only to see my siblings grow because I know you wouldn't even take care of us alone, you didn't even pay a nanny for me or Natsuo. I can only imagine how shitty the twins' life would be if I hadn't stayed behind to watch after them. I look at our family and think "God what happened to our lives and what did we become?" That doesn't wipe the tears and the years of suffering away yet I'm here at home and do you know why? It's not for you. I know Kira as I know my own mind. You will never find someone as determined or as persistent! And a million years ago she told me "I want to be a hero like dad" so I stood by her! Do you even know why?

She heard her sister's voice break. At that moment her only wish was to hug her. Tears started running down her face as she heard her talk. She always thought Fuyumi only tolerated her yet looking back she couldn't even remember a time where she wasn't there, beside her, trying her best to support her and protect her in her own way. And as her voice raised again Kira almost felt her heart stop.

—I love my sister more than anything in this life! I would choose her happiness over mine every time! My siblings are the best thing in my life! So never lose sight of the fact that you've been blessed with the best kids. Congratulations! For the rest of your life. Now everything you do is for their future. I hope you give both Shoto and Kira the best life as heroes.

Silence filled the house once more, only interrupted by steps to the door and the sound of it as it slid open and closed. Kira's thoughts were a mess as were her face and Fuyumi's, both filled with tears as they stared at each other. The youngest couldn't resist the urge to hug her sister. Before she realized it she was between her arms. Words weren't needed. They both knew what the other must have felt during that time. Even with all the misunderstandings they have had one thing was for sure, they love each other, even when they couldn't say it out loud. Now every little detail had meaning. Every note, every time they waited for each other late at night to be sure the other was safe even when they didn't actually say why they were up, every time Fuyumi would put apples on Kira's backpack to make sure she ate something during the day or at least remind her she had to eat. It all came together at that moment, and even with how messed up things were that day they both found one good thing out of it.

—You should go back to sleep, Ki. Try to at least.

Her sister said as she ran her fingers through her now white hair. She was tired, she couldn't deny it though she still wanted to spend more time with Fuyumi.

—Can't we at least watch a movie?

She asked while looking up to Fuyumi to try and persuade her.

—You have to get up early tomorrow to go to school, plus we could end up waking up Shoto and we don't want that. We could watch a movie tomorrow.

The oldest suggested with a subtle smile before wiping away her tears and repeating the action with Kira's face before letting go of the hug.

—Go now, I don't want you to be near once dad gets out of the office.

Fuyumi insisted to which Kira could only nod, gifting her a small smile before walking back to her room, heart filled with all the new feelings that day had brought her.

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