Chapter 3

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Finally bell rang

Sid: finally

Avu:okay now bell rang which means it's interval. Now lets go and buy me chocolate.

Sid:okay okay come with me I will buy you two chocolates(he said while rolling his eyes)

Avu:Mr.rolling eyes don't roll your eyes much or you will feel dizzy

Sid chuckled


They headed to canteen and Sid bought two chocolates for Avni.

Avu:yeay yeay

She started jumping and Sid smacked his forehead

Sid:ye ladki bhi na

Girl:excuse me


Girl:I don't know how to ask but I want to ask that with whom you are talking.

Sid:what do you mean

Girl:umm nothing

The girl left from there while leaving Sid confused.

Sid:is this a psycho school or what people keep asking strange questions and are you planning to eat both of them (he said eyeing towards the chocolate)


Sid snapped his head and left chuckling. Avni spend the time talking with Sid meanwhile he pretended to be irritated but he was enjoying from inside. After few hours the bell rang and Sid packed his things and headed outside.

Avu:so finally bell rang you must be feeling happy but Yaar I will feel board but it's okay I will meet you tomorrow.

Sid:I am going dada must be here

Avu:wow you are having a elder sibling

Sid:bye see you tomorrow.

He ran out of the school and saw their car. He settled down and abhi drives to Nigam mansion.

Abhi:so how was your day

Sid:best (he said lost in Avuland)

Abhi:hope you didn't get late


Abhi turned around and looked at Sid in full confusion

Abhi:chote ke Bache Kahan kho Gaye.

Abhi:what happened in which world are you lost

Sid:a- (he was about to say Avuland but stopped)

Abhi:what a

Sid:a.. nothing...I am lost no where.

Abhi:ye ladka bhi na

They reached Nigam mansion and went inside. Sid ran to his room,looked it,threw his bag and shoes away and was about to remove his shirt when he shouted on top of his lungs.

Sid:ahaaaa mummy


Sid put his hand on her mouth and pinned her to wall.

Sid:betekidum tum yahan

Sm looked at him with wide eyes.

Sid:tum yahan kya ker rhi Hou

Suddenly he heard abhi calling his name.

Abhi:Sid chote are you away. What happened? Why did you screamed?

Zoya:Sid beta what happened? Open the door

Sid panicked and searched a place to hide her. Avu was looking at him with shocked+confused eyes.


Sid:yes mummy

Abhi:Sid are you ok

Sid:yes Bhai I am ok.

Sid searched a place and pushed Avu into the cupboard and closed the door. Then Sid went opened the room door and immediately Zoya cupped his face.

Zoya:what happened my bacha are you okay

Meanwhile Avu came out of the cupboard but no one was able to see her.

Sid: mummy vo ye vo ye vo ye vo ye

Avu tapper his shoulder and Sid turned around. As he saw Avu he again screamed on top of his lungs. By now Aditya (Sid's father) ran up to Sid's room.

Adi:what's happening here.

Zoya:Sid why did you scream

Abhi:chote are you okay.

Sid:(in mind) Yaar what's happening here. She is standing Infront of me and noone is watching her. Does that mean 😵😵.

Sid fainted

Zoya:Sid siddharth

Adi:Sid beta

Adi placed Sid on bed

Avu:oops I messed it up

Zoya:abhi call the docter

Abhi called the docter and within few minutes he reached. He starts examining Sid.

Adi:Sid what happened to my son is he okay.

Doctor:he is okay it's just normal fainting. He will gain conscious in few minute no need to worry.

Docter left from there. After few minutes Sid gained conscious and saw him in Avu's lap and...


Again whole family ran to him.

Adi:Sid... siddharth

Sid pretend to faint this time


Sid opened his one eye and looked around. He saw Avu and again pretend to faint

Adi:you guys leave I will stay with him.

Zoya and abhi left.......

That it for today's chapter I hope you guys enjoyed it. Do comment below worse and best part. I will meet you on my next chappy till then bye❤️☺️

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