Chapter 18

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Hello everyone!!Hope you all are doing well!

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Hello everyone!!
Hope you all are doing well!

"Be with someone who loves your soul more than your body and understands your feelings more than your ego."

The next day

Today Anna's mom called Zoya and Aditya at dinner as she had to talk something really important with them and the children too. So right now it was 7:45 pm and they were about to reach in 15 mins.

Anna:mom why have you called siddharth's family at dinner suddenly.

AM:Anna I want to talk something important so dinner was the best option for that.

Anna:bit what it is tell me too. I want to know.

AM:beta you will get to know at that time only have some patience.

Anna:fine as you say

Bell rings..

AM:go and check they must be here.


She went and opened the door. She saw siddharth's whole family standing over there. She greeted them and they came in. All of them settled down on the chairs and AM served the dinner.

Zoya:Anna you here?

Anna:yes aunty actually I wanted to stay with Mon for few days so I came here.

Zoya:oh okay.

Adi:btw AM we also wanted to talk something important.

AM:I think we should eat dinner first it's getting cold then we can talk.

Adi:yeah great let's start.

They had their dinner and after that sat down in the living room.

Zoya:so what you wanted to talk.

AM:I think first you should say what you wanted to say.

Zoya:okay umm I don't know if Anna told you about AF.

AM:I already know everything she told me instead I am ready to help for that innocent girl that he raped.

Adi:abhi searched for his parents and we found them.

As he completed Anna and Sid shouted.

Sid,anna: really

As they shouted all of them flinched.

Abhi:yes and why are you all getting so excited.

Anna:umm ahh no nothing like that we aren't getting excited at all.

Sid:yeah we aren't getting excited see.

Abhi:weird(he muttered under his breath)

Zoya:so what do you wanted to talk about.

AM:Zoya and adi I think now we should tell them.

Adi:do you really want to tell?

Zoya:yea I mean suddenly

AM:they have the full right to know and truth has to come out .

Adi:you are right.

Anna:what are you all talking about.

Sid:yeah I am really confused.

Abhi:me too

AM:beta we want to tell you all that Anna is                  not my real daughter.(she said with a long pause leaving Sid, Anna and abhi in shock.)

AM:she is real daughter of Zoya and Adi. Twin sister if Sid and small sister of abhi.

After listening this they were even more shocked and tears started coming out of their eyes. Zoya and Abu also had some tears in their eyes which they were controlling.

Anna gathered some courage and said.

Anna:if I am the real daughter of them then why did you adopt me. Why did you give me to mom. Why did you hid this truth from me for years.(she said almost crying)

Zoya:I am sorry Anna but I had too. Your mother wasn't able to birth and your filthy father wanted a child so I had to give you to them. I am sorry my bacha but I had to do it.

Zoya said breaking down. Adi was handling himself hardly not to break down. Zoya went and hugged Anna. They were in eachother's embrace for a while. They cried for a while and after their crying session they explained Anna and sidshek everything. She wasn't mad but in shock.

Abhi had already filed a case against Anna's father showing officers the proofs.

The next day he was caught and life time jail was announced to him. Anna with her mom shifted to Nigam Mansion although AM was not at all ready but had to because of Anna.

Next day.....


So guys that is it for today's chapter.

I hope you guys enjoyed it.

Do comment best and worse part.

I will meet you all in my next chapter.

Till then bye.

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