Chapter 5

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Abhi and Sid looked at eachother and burst out laughing

Zoya: betekidum ye dono

She looks around and takes his broom. She chases his sons while sidshek ran in Union. They ran around whole house and at last reached the swimming pool. Sidshek looked at eachother meanwhile zoya came with her broom and pushed them in swimming pool . They both had a good bath and watching them Zoya burst out laughing.


Zoya:you two had a good bath now go and change into new clothes....

Sidshek made a grumpy face and Zoya left from there. They both climbed out of swimming pool and left for their rooms.

In sid's room
Sid was about to remove his shirt when Avu yelled.


Sid turned around

Sid: jangli billi tum

Avu:Han mein bander and you were looking exactly like bander when flour fell on you (said while chuckling) and I have done something awesome-

Before she could further continue Sid closed her mouth and pinned her to wall.

Avu:ummmm mmm ahh


Avu gestured something on her hand and Sid looked at it...he saw his picture which was taken when flour fall on him. Sid eyes widen meanwhile Avu got out of his grip and ran away. Sid ran besides him.

Avu ran with his phone on her hand and Sid ran beside him. Suddenly Sid stopped when he heard someone screaming on top of his lungs. They both turned around.

And saw........


So guys that's all for today's chapter I hope you liked it. I know it's a small chapter and I think there is lots of screams in the chapters. But do comment the best and worse part. I will meet you I my next chapter till then bye❤️

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