Nie Mingjue x reader

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Chaotic Love


Info: Our reader is married to the one and only king of war, Nie Mingjue who is angry


'How long his he going to stay mad?'.I asked,sipping my tea as my husband,who took of his upper clothes and was hitting a dummy, threw tantrums about Jin Guanyoa,a-sang was hiding behind me as he kept bouncing from his seat everytime a-jue loud voice bombered the air.

'He is angry...'.A-sang said.

'He killed SO many subcordinates!!'.A-jue yelled while destroying his dummy who got all the anger from a-jue

'Poor dummy....'.I said softly to A-sang ad drank my tea

'Tell me about it.....'.He said,fanning himself

'What are you two talking!!'.A-jue yelled.

'N-nothing!'.We both said.

'....'.He looked at us and returned to abuse the dummy.

'When I see will KILL HIM!!'.A-jue said and hit the dummy.

'Iaaaaaaaaaaaa.........I bet the head will be off after three kicks'.I said.

'I bet two kicks'.A-sang said.


' didn't survive even one kick.....'.I said while a-sang was shaking his head.

'This is useless!'.A-jue yelled and stormed away

The Sunshot Campaign was finished one week ago,A-jue was angry at Jin Guangyoa since he was the one who finished Wen Rouhan what my muscle husband wanted for so long and that Jin Guangyoa killed alot of subcordiantes plus the saber spirit is affecting him.

I stood and left to talk to a-jue so the whole clan wouldn't be scared out of their guts from their clan leader.

'Shjie! lt him cool down!'.A-sang said.

'I know but that didn't really work out last time did it?There is still a whole in a wall'.I said as I begin to walk towards our shared chamber were I saw the shadow of a-jue sitting by a table. I quietly walked behind him and hugged his back,putting my head on his shoulder. He put his cup down.

'I understand that you are angry but you won't be able to go forward if you stay angry like this a-jue'. I said. I heard him sigh.

'I know....but I can't let it go'. He said.

'Hmmmm'. I said and wrapped my arms around his neck from behind as my hands crossed each other below in his face.

'Well knowing you, you aren't a person who will let things go easy sooo.....' I said.

'What are you trying to do?' A-jue asked.

'.......inside I feel offended but that doesn't matter...what I am doing...trying to cheer you up' I said.

'Well it isn't working'he said.
'Aww' I said,pouting and got up,ready to leave.

'Wait,who said you may leave?' He asked,

'CLOSE THE DOORS FROM THIS CHAMBER AND LEAVE THE WING' A-jue's loud voice was heard thought the whole clan as the sound of doors closing and hurried footsteps were heard, a-jue got up and walked up behind me,he picked me up and sat back on his seat with me on his lap. He leaned his arm on the table while the other was trapping me on the other side, he smirked at me.

'Well aren't you a sneaky one'. He said and as he held my waist and carres my cheek with his other hand.

'You figured it out?' I asked.

'Of course, I don't know you since yesterday....of course I would figured out my wife's plan'. He said,bringing his face closer to mine. His warm breath tickling my lower lip.

'Making me being all my attention to you so I wont think of that Jin,smart it worked out......since you wanted my attention I will give you all of it-. He said and begin to kiss me, I kissed back of course. He the bit my lip,making me open my mouth as his tounge slided in,exploring every place. He then moved away a bit of the clothing around my neck and begin to leave hickeys everywhere.

'Ngh' I said softly.
'Dont hold it in sweet cheeks'. A-jue said and squeezed my ass while licking his art.

'Ah~'. I said with a blush covering my cheeks, I felt something become very firm.....

Oh no

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