Elizabeth Mildford x reader

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Best friends-●

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Best friends


Info: Y/n Phantomhive


Y/n's POV

I was reading a book and drinking same (f/t) tea on my couch in my office.

The door opened but I didn't look up

'Young mistress, a letter has been send for you from the Trancy'. Sebastian said and showed me the letter.

I looked at it and saw it, the logo of the Trancy

My eye twitched as I sighed and closed my book and walked to my desk. I took my letter opener and opened the letter.

I read the letter and tch'ed.

'May I know what's writing in the letter young mistress?' Sebastian asked.

'Alois Trancy has sent a invention for his tea party next Friday,according to his letter Elizabeth will be there too and Edward....why in the world would you agree to this?' I asked myself,fanning the letter.

'It would be only nice of you to attend the party,atleast for lady Elizabeth and your fiancee'. Sebastian said, I looked at him and smiled.

'Is there something young mistress?' He asked.

'Oh no...haha it's nothing' I said as I tried to get rid of the sight of sebastian wearing a pink head thing that Elizabeth wears with her dresses that she put on him when she decorated my house and grell was a terrible butler.

Haha,luckily I don't have to wear that. I dont really wear dresses except wheni have to attend a ball, it more like a long skirt that ends above my knees and a white button up and matching jacket with the skirt and high knee socks and heels.

*horse clattering*

I looked outside and saw Elizabeth in the window with her maid.

'Speak of the devil,Elizabeth is here' I said,smilling and stood up,straightening my skirt.

Sebastian held my jacket for me as he helped me wear it. He opened the door as we walked towards the main hall were the doors are. May-rin already opened the doors as Elizabeth' s eyes widen in with pure excitement as she saw me. I smiled at her as I was close to the ground fron the steps. She jumped on me as I caught her, she held me by my elbows which I did the same by her.

'Hello Elizabeth,what's with the sudden arrival? You didn't tell me you would come today' I said,smilling.

'I wanted to surprise you! Plus I have a lot to tell you!' She said,pulling my arm.

'Alright,Sebastian please prepare some tea and snacks and bring it to the gardenhouse, the wetter is nice today' I ordered.

'Yes my lady'. He said and went to do his work.

'Hearing your excitement and that you went through the trouble to come here, we should begin our talk' I said as I walked towards the hall that leads to the garden. Elizabeth ran to me and begin to tell me what she wanted to say.

We were sitting in the garden house as we talked,the birds were chirping,the flowers flowed with the wind the tiniest bit as the sun was shining.

Sebastian came in and served us some tea and crepe cake. Elizabeth talked for ages as it begin to become dark outside.Elizabeth and I can click very good,she is a talker while I am a listener.

'Soo you will be attending a tea party held by Alois Trancy?'. I asked,sipping my tea.

'Yes,me and Edward actually,you will be going too,right?!'. She asked. I nodded and continued to drink my tea.

'Talking about that,do you want to go shopping for dresses? I saw a dress and though of you Y/n'.Elizabeth said.

'Sure,when do you want?'.I said,taking a piece of my cake slice.

'Tomorrow?'.She siad.

'Tomorrow then'.I said,giggling.

'Also......'.Elizabeth said.

'What?'. I said.

'N-nothing....'.She said.

I was about to question further but Sebestian came in the garden.

'My ladies,it appears it getting dark soon, I suggest you can talk inside by the fire pit? Sebastian said.

'He is right,we should head inside'. I said. We headed inside as we begin to talk about random stuff like the latest girl fashion and our opinion of things like that,childhood things,Edward and what more Elizabeth talked about since I barely remember them.

Both of us were getting sleepy as we both crashed out in my office while playing solitaire.welll more a competition of who can make the biggest house of cards,somehow we didn't knock or houses off.

'Yara yara good grief, both of them are asleep...' Sebastian said as he walked in the office room,he thought the girls were in his young mistress room were they usually are while talking but they weren't there.

He first took Elizabeth to her guest room were her maid was waiting for her with a fresh night gown. He then walked back to his young mistress rooms and carried her to her room were he changed her into her nightgown,took out her hairpin and combed her hair and placed her in bed. He quietly closed the door and blew the candle out.

'Everybody is asleep...'. he said as his red eyes shine in the dark hallway.

'Soo, a tea party?'. He said and smirked.

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