Pluto x reader

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Dog vs Cat-●

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Dog vs Cat


Author-San: before you jump me, I reached out for the original writer of this one shot plot (yes it's from a book and I liked the plot so I wanted to write one of my own), I asked the writer if he or she was okay with me writing a story BASED of theirs and he or she was okay with it alright?

He or she was okay with me using their plot!!!!!


Info : reader-chan is a demon panther who was found by Pluto


Y/n's POV

I was casually walking in my panther body on earth were the humans live. I walking thought the forest as I heard loud barking and some person yelling.

'Pluto come back!'

'Plu plu!'

I was going to ignore it till I felt warm breath on my body, I turned around and saw a big white demon dog, I hissed and ran away and guess what? That dog begin to chase me!!

So here I am getting chased by dog who is being chased himself by some guys and a girl

'Finny,Bart I will get Sebastian!' The girl said.

I begin to run towards a big house and begin to run circles around the house, I actually am enjoying this game of tag. I didn't hear dog bluffing so I though I list him but saw him running in front of me so I quickly ran back were I came from. This game ended quickly as the dog tackled me to the ground.

'Pluto!' A smooth voice said, a butler he is handsommeeeeee eeeehhhh!!!!!

The dog got off me and went towards the butle- demon butler. The dog acted all nice and cute while I got up from my position. The butler came to me and cupped my face while blushing a bit.

'What is a beautiful black cat like you doing here? Did this dog hurt you? I will treat your wounds if he did~'. The butler said.

'I will ask young master if we can keep you~' He said.

I transformed into a black cat and rolled on my back,the butler blushed even more while the dog barked at me. I looked at the dog and purred.

The butler lifted me up and rubbed my belly, I purred in affection. The butler pressed a finger on my paws,revealing my nails.

'Ah~ cats...perfect beings'. He said,I purred again to make the dog jelly.

The dog interrupted my session as he transformed into human,naked and got on the butler. I jumped away from the suddenly attack. I also transformed into my human form and luckily for me I actually do have clothes but poor ones. Only a dirty dress was on me. The butler looked shocked and carried me like a patato bag in between his arm and waist and walked in the mansion.

'I have to tell young master this' He said

'But first you will have a bath~' he said,bath?!

I quickly formed back in my cat form and jumped away and ran away the butler,the dog begin to chase me again. The butler is also running after me

I dodged,attacked,basically did everything I could but in the end I was caught and was forced into a bath. Now I was wearing a white dress but it actually looks like a sleep gown. I also received a collar and some milk and a ball of yarn!
So currently I am playing with the balm of yarn in my cat form,with playing I mean half ties up in it while the dog was outside and the butler was talking with his young master.

'Waa she is so cute!' The maid said.
'She and Pluto played together back then!' The cook said.

'She and plu plu will become best of friends' the gardener said.

I looked at them for a second and continued to play with the pink yarn.

The butler came

'Good news, the cat is able to stay but young master did say we should name it' the butler said.

'What about kitty?'
'What about daisy?
'What about (m/p/n)?'


So that the story how I got in this mansion with a name. I also got a kitty house in and out the house were I can climb and do whatever I want. My kitty houses are big enough for my panther form too anddddd a collar with my name written on,puuurrrr

The outside kitty house is parallel to Pluto's house on the opposite side of the garden

'Woof woof!'
'Miauw miauw!'

I was playing with Pluto outside,doing our usual tag
He was about to catch me when I jumped on the wall of the house and transformed in my panther from and ran the opposite way. I looked back and saw pluto catching up. I stopped running and faced him,we hit each other as we rolled into Pluto's doghouse. We transformed back into our human forms as we panted. Pluto was on top of me so he rested his chin on my chest while looking at me, I purred.

'Pluto! Y/n! Food!'

We looked at each other as we transformed back and I crawled out of Pluto's doghouse and ran towards mine were my milk was waiting for me. I looked at Pluto and purred . I actually enjoy playing with that demon dog,not to mention the attention I get from that handsome butler teehee.

But I enjoy the attention I get from the dog the most......of you get what i mean puurrrr~

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