Gojo Saturo x reader

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Info: I changed somethings that aren't like the ones in the serie

R/n - random name

Y/f/n - your full name

Sutuna Gojo is Saturo's dad name that I made up.

Gojo saturo looked at his students who were fighting againts Tokyo Tech's sister school

He smiled

'What are you smiling at,idiot?'.Utahime asked.

'Nothing, nothing just enjoying the fight?'.Gojo answered.

'Tsk!'.Utahime said and turned to face the other direction

'Why?You mad?'.Gojo asked.

'No! Not at all!'.Utahime said,angry but her face expression turned normal as she looked at Gojo,she sat down on her seat and turned back to face the monitor.

'Its weird to seat here,I hope its will work out..........'. She said.

~ . . . ~

The Kyoko Sister school stood infront of her,Saturo and Geto were standing with their fellow jujutsu sorcerses.

'Do you think we will win?'. Geto asked.

'Of course we will'Saturo answered.

'Good luck'

A voice said through Saturo's head,he smiled as he heard the sweet voice

He turned to the sister school were he saw his girlfriend talking with Utahime.He saw that his girlfriend was being scolled by her friend.

Utahime was the only one who knew their secret relationship

He smiled and looked at the air as he can't wait for their date the next day,the Kyoko Sister school will stay here in Tokyo for three days

'Alright,sister schools the competion will begin when the sound of a bell is heard,there are curses in the forest,defeat them to gian point but of course you can sabotage it by attacking each other,shot a flare if you defeaeted a curse,red for Tokyo Tech and blue for the Kyoko Sister school,good luck'

The schools seperated and waited for the bell


The sound of footsteps were heard through the forest

~ . . . ~

Y/n's POV


We begin to run

'Split!'. Our leader said,me and Utahime ran left as the group split

I unzipped my high collar,revealing my curse the curse lines on my chin that went from my chin to my neck

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