Fushiguro's x reader

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Cookies,Cream and Snap!-●

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Cookies,Cream and Snap!


Info: Snap!


'Alright Megumi,look here!'.I said as Megumi looked at me who was was basically done from the whole photoshoot.


'Megumi..... smile!'.I said and got in position but he still didn't smile

'You will get cookies and milk after this'.I said.

He immedaitely smiled


'Awww Megumi you are so cute!'.I said as I looked at the photo I took of Megumi who had a froghead around his head.

'My head is itchy!'.He said and scrathed the froghead.

'Aw come here'.I said as he took babystep towards me and showed me his head,I took off the froghead,He immediately scrathed his head.

'Look Megumi its you'.I said as I showed him the photo.

'Waaaa!!'.He said with sparkels in his eyes.I placed the camera on the kitchen island and lifted Megumi up ad placed him on his high baby seat. I placed the milk in a milkwarmer and got the cookiejar.

Megumi laughed cutely

The front door opened and closed.

'Megumi really loved mommy homemade cookies,hmmmmm?'.I said,Megumi waved his hands cutely.I was about to take a bite of a cookies when a voice interrupped it.

'Not only Megumi but daddy too'.Toji said and took my cookie and ate it

'Heyyy I was about to eat it'.I said,pouting,he kissed my head and kissed Megumi's cheek

'It seem you two have been busy'.Toj said,putting a crabhead on his head while looking at the rest of the uniosy,headcushions ect


Toji turned to face me as I laughed at the picture

'Aww Tojiiii'.I said,a idea come to my mind. I took Megumi and placed him on the ground next to Toji and but his froghead on.

I placed the camera on a standrad and put a bunny head on and set a timer,I walked to them and placed Megumi on my lap and brought Toji close to me.

'Smile!'.I said.

~ . . . ~


I walked to the camera and saw a beautiful picture

'Awww would you look at that!'.I said,Toji walked behind me with a Megumi in his arm and wrapped a hand around my waist.

'He took your smile...'.Toji said.

'Probably the only thing he got from me,he got more features of you...'. I said,poking his cheeks.

'Zenin genes are probably strong'.I thought out loud. He smirked and leaned in my neck.

'M-mommy,cookies!'.Megumi said.

'Ah yes'.I said and took Megumi and placed him in his chair with cookies.

~ . . . ~

'Megumi is asleep?'.I asked to Toji,who walked in our bedroom and crashed in bed.

'Hn,what are you doing?'.He asked me,head buried in the pillow but turned to me when he asked it.

'I am...making a scrapbook of our shared memories...from megumi's birth to his first steps...I am playing to give it to him someday....'.I said and glued the pictures I made today in the scrapbook.

~ . . . ~

Megumi smiled at the pictures of him and his mom,His dad was crossed out of the pictures

He closed his scrapbook that his mom made and placed it in a box that is hidden under his clothes.

In that box was the scrapbook,his favourite rattle,a sea shell from when they went to the beach together, a picture of both of him and his mom on the beach.

He placed the box back in his closet,next to the box was his froghead

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