Chapter 23

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Liam's POV:

"Simon?" I answered after seeing the caller I.D.

"Good lord! FINALLY! Liam Payne, I have been trying to reach you for three days! And the others all night! Why haven't you answered?"

I gulped, "Uh... We haven't noticed I guess. And we were kind of busy."

Simon groaned, "That's not a good enough excuse."

"Sorry," I mumbled.

"It's fine," he sighed. "Though Liam, now I only can give you a shorter amount of time."

I turned and walked back towards where Niall, Zayn, and Louis were sitting. I also noticed that Carrie was walking back.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Liam, you and the boys have to come back. You're needed in London tomorrow. That's why I tried to call you earlier so you had a longer notice."

"What!" I exclaimed catching the attention of everyone. "Simon, no! We can't right now!"

"You can and you will, Liam. It's important. Harry particularly needs to be there."

My jaw dropped, "No! Especially not Harry!"

With everything happening with Bailey, he out of all of us couldn't go. He needed to stay here. We all did, sort of.

"Liam I can't let you lot stay. I'm sorry, but whatever is keeping you there is just going to have to wait."

I started stuttering but I wasn't forming any words. I was too in shock.

"Your jet will be at JFK airport tomorrow at 10 in the morning.

Liam, if all five of you aren't there...

Lets just say we'll have problems."

I gulped again.

"Yes, sir."

"Thank you. Ill see you in time, Liam."

And with out an goodbye, the call ended.

With my mouth still wide open, I lowered the phone and put it in my pocket.

"Li, what's wrong? What did Simon want?" Louis asked.

I turned and looked at them.

"He... Uhm... Was informing us of something."

"Of what, mate?" Niall asked as he pulled Carrie back into his lap.

"Our flight tomorrow.... We're going back home."

All of their mouths fell open.

"WHAT!" They shouted in unison.

"Yeah... Tomorrow our jet will be here at 10."

"In the morning?" Zayn groaned.

I nodded.

"But... But... What about us?" Carrie asked to Niall.

He frowned, "Could you come with me?"

"I have work," she whispered.

"So that means Bailey does too," I confirmed.

She nodded at me.

I groaned and sat down as I pulled my hands down my face.

"Harry's not going to like this," Louis muttered.

"I'm not going to like what?"

All of our heads snapped towards the sound of his voice. Sure enough, there by the kitchen stood Harry. With Bailey right next to him.

"We have to go back, mate." I said.

"Go back where?"

I gave him a small frown, "Back home..."

Baileys tiny mouth fell into an 'O' and I noticed tears building up.

"No! We can't! Not now!" Harry exclaimed.

"Harry... We have too. We leave tomorrow."


"Haz, mate. Calm down," Louis quietly said.

"Calm down! Louis! We have to leave! I can't! Not right now! I can't leave, Bailey!"

All of us turned to look at her.

'Go.' She signed.

"Bailey, no! I'm not leaving you now! Not after everything that happened."

'You're going.' She signed.


"Harry, we have too," I added.

"Liam, I'm staying."

What happened next surprised all of us.

Bailey leaned up and gripped Harry's shirt in one of her hands. With the other she started furiously signing.

'Harry, you're going. End of story.'

"Bailey, I'm not! I'm staying here with-"


All of our jaws dropped again.

Harry's head stayed facing the wall as a red hand print started forming on his cheek.

"Bailey!" Carrie softly exclaimed.

After a few moments, Harry looked back down at Bailey. Hurt clearing showing across his face.

"Bailey..." He whispered.

'I don't need you. Just go.'

And with that she turned around and walked back to her room. Her door slamming shut echoed through the apartment.

We all stood there with our eyes locked on Harry. We all waited his reaction.

"Harry..." Zayn whispered.

I noticed the tears falling from Harry's eyes.

"Haz?" I asked.

"Fine, ill go," he said with a shaky voice.

I nodded.

"On one condition."

This caught all of our attention.

"Carrie," he said.

She stepped forward. "Yeah, Harry?"

"Watch her.

Find out what happened and please just help her."

"I will," she softly said.

"And let me know. Inform me often. I might be going but I'm not leaving.

She's apart of my life now. And I'm not letting this end here."

(A/N: Sorry it's short! School is just kicking my butt! I barley have any time! Hope you enjoyed!)

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