Chapter 4

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Bailey's POV:
I tapped my pen against the table top and bounced my leg. My nerves were going insane and I felt as if at any moment I would expload.

Harry texted me during work telling me he was free all night so whenever I wanted to me was fine. I suggested 8 and he agreed. When I got off of work at 6, yeah I tend to work later than others, I rushed home faster than usual so I could change. He might of already seen me today but I fell in the mud on the way home so now I had a huge mud spot.

I had decided I was going to just wear a nice pair of jeans and possibly a blouse. That was until Harry texted me saying the boys and him had a photo shoot before that he forgot about so he asked to meet at 8:30 and for me not to feel intimidated because he would most likely be in dress pants.

When I read that i face palmed.

So here would be Harry all dressed nicely and I would look like a rat. Okay, maybe not a rat but not as good looking. Which I'm not anyways but still.

So now it was 8:02, and I was sitting at a small table I had in my apartment in front of my closet trying to decide what to wear knowing I only have 28 minutes until I'm suppose to be there.

Maybe I should just skip out...?

Maybe he will forget..?

Obviously, he probably doesn't even want to be there. Just out of pity.

I frowned and smacked my head against the table with a big THUD.

Freaking insanely hot British boy messing with my heart strings.

I need to remind myself of my rule.

Rule #1: Don't fall for the singer. He won't want a mute girl.

It seems like a pretty simple rule to follow. But his smile and dimples aren't helping.

I finally stood up and walked to my closet. I needed to get going. I glanced around and finally just pulled out a light blue sun dress that had red, pink, and orange floral designs on it. I slipped into it and twirled.

I clutched my curves great and it looked nice against my skin. Though, I wasn't quite sure how I felt about showing my arms. I turned to look around my room and my face lit up whenever I saw my favorite jean jacket. I ran over to it and slipped it on. I smiled as I looked in my mirror and saw it looked good.

My phone buzzed from across the room and I ran over to it and saw it was a message from Harry.

"On my way. Should be there exactly at 8:30 (: "

I rolled my eyes at his smiley face. My heart may of fluttered thinking it was a flirt but my brain was yelling, "NO BAILEY! HE DOES NOT LIKE YOU! IT'S A PITY SMILE! JUST GET OVER IT!"

"Alrighty. I'm leaving now. See you soon."

I sent the message then chucked my phone onto my bed. I glanced at my clock by my bed and saw it was 8:10. Crap, I needed to leave now.

I went inside my closet and looked at the multiple pairs of shoes I had. Hey, what can I say. I liked shoes. Though, I wasn't a heels person. It's like a death trap waiting to happen. I frowned as I looked at all my TOMS and sneakers I had. Then a pair of boots too... Damn it.

I breathed through my teeth as I noticed I just wasted another 2 minutes. Giving up, I just grabbed a pair of red TOMS and slid those on. I grabbed my shoulder bag and phone and ran out my door.

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