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I have a lot to be thankful for in my life, even though it was full of darkness. I'm thankful to have the family that I did, I'm thankful for the few friends I've made throughout my life, and I'm thankful to be cared for. Even in my darkest times, I had somebody there looking out for me. Rather I pushed them away or not.

My whole life I've felt surrounded by the dark. No, not literally, but metaphorically. My life has been swarmed with disorders. A popular one that dictated my life?

Post-traumatic stress disorder.

That's right, I went mute after witnessing my sister's death on the subway.

Wait... That sounds familiar to you? What's that name that's always tucked in the back of your head from seeing it on the news years ago?

Bailey Miller.

That's me.

I guess I should formally introduce myself to all of you guys, my lovely readers over the years.

You know me as Silent girl, the girl who writes for The Times about her life being a mute young adult. I'm socially awkward and not afraid to share my stories to you all. Who I am really though? I'm Bailey Miller. I'm the six year old girl whose sister was killed in front of her on the New York subway. I'm the six year old girl who found her famous writer father dead after hanging himself. I'm that little girl who went mute.

I'm normally not keen on secrets, but yet I seem to keep the most. I've hidden behind the name Silent girl for so long and I've hidden my past from almost everyone.

I would like to apologize, first off, for again not writing for a long amount of time. Those months just seemed to fly by. I'd also like to apologize to anyone who's felt offended by me keeping secrets and those I've hurt with my secrets. It seems lately I've been doing that a lot... I've hurt somebody who really cares about me. And I care about him...

"Wait, him?" You're thinking. "Silent girl has a guy in her life?"

Yes, it's true. Remember that one boy I talked about months ago? The one who talked and we collided in Starbucks? Yeah... Turns out, he's pretty special. Maybe now that I'm speaking again we have a chance to be together, but only time will tell.

I wish I could say that this is a happy beginning for all of us. That you all could continue reading about my life and my stories. Sadly, I can't. I'm no longer Silent Girl and writing just won't be the same. Plus, I'll be leaving New York. Finally.

So I guess this is goodbye and thank you. Thank you for following my columns, even with my long depressing breaks in between and thank you for just... everything.

Huh, it's finally hit me. This really is the last time I'll be doing this...

Signing off one last time,

No longer Silent girl-

Bailey Miller.

My white converse, or should I say Harry's, tapped impatiently on the elevators marble floor. I sighed watching as the red numbers slowly ranked up higher until finally stopping at floor nineteen. The doors dinged open and I rushed out without hesitation.

I wasn't fond of small spaces like elevators.


My head snapped up and a huge grin was plastered across my face almost instantly. "Harry!"

The no longer mop of curls, but now a quiff, came running out of the hotel room and right up to me. His tattooed arms wrapped around me as he buried his face in the crock of my neck.

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