Chapter 11

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Bailey's POV:

I started wide eyed at Harry.

'What?' I signed.

Harry frowned, "Is that not okay..? Do you want me to call back and tell them not to come? I didn't know.. I'm sorry I thought we could use the help."

I felt bad seeing how sad he looked. But also I couldn't help but notice he looked incredibly attractive even sad.

Damn him, making every emotion look sexy as hell on him.

I smiled at him.

'It's fine, Harry. Just shocked is all.'

He read it then smiled at me.

"Good! Well, Lou is bringing me a change of clothes too since I'm all wet..."

I silent giggled which caused him to smile even bigger at me.

"So you guys ready to get to work?"

Harry and I both turned to look at Carrie who pulled back her light brown hair into a side pony. She smiled at me.

"Actually we have some more help coming," Harry said all cheeky.

Carrie raised an eyebrow.

"The lads are coming."

It's amazing how those four words can cause some one to faint..

Yup, faint.

Carrie fell and was knocked out like a light.

"Damn," Harry muttered rushing over to Carrie with me.

I propped her head up on my leg and started to softly shake her.

"So I'm guessing she's a big fan..." Harry chuckled.

I grinned and shook my head.

'Wait til she meets them.'

Harry chuckled.

I started snapping my fingers around Carries face trying to get her to wake up.

"Carrieeeeee," Harry dragged out her name shaking her.

Soon her eyes started fluttering and she came too.

"Why are we on the floor?" She asked looking at us both.

I turned to look at Harry and he did to me.

My eyes widened when we did since how close we were wasn't known until then.

Our noses were touching and I could feel his breath against my mouth.

We both had the same deer in the headlights expression on our face.

"Erm.. Guys?"

We both snapped out of the trance and looked at Carrie.

"Uh, you fainted.." Harry said.

I nodded agreeing with him.

"Why would I faint??" She asked sitting up.

"Well you walked in and I told you -" Harry was cut off by loud knocking on the door and well shouting.

"Bailey open up and let me at my Hazza!!"

Louis obviously.

"I gotta peeeee!!!" I heard Zayn whine.

"Bailey I'm hungry."

And of course Niall....


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