Chapter 27

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Bailey’s POV:

After Ken dropped me off, I walked into my apartment to be bombarded by Carrie.

“Oh my gosh, Bailey! Where did you go?”

I sheepishly smiled. ‘Uh, I just got over whelmed and left.’

She frowned, “Yeah I saw you leave. What happened?”

‘I don’t want to talk about it,’ I signed before walking from the door towards the kitchen. I opened the fridge and pulled out a water bottle.

“Fine. But you should have told me! I was worried sick!”

I turned around and looked at her, but a bunch of shopping bags caught my attention. ‘You were so worried that you still decided to shop?’

She gulped, “Erm…Yeah. It’s my job. Look, Bailey. I-”

I cut her off with the wave of my hand. I knew I was being harsh but honestly I had her to blame for my bad mood. I didn’t want to go out today.

‘Drop it.’

She sighed, “Bailey… Don’t do this again.”

‘Do what again?’ I signed intensely.

“Bailey… You pushed him away. Just remember that. We don’t even know what happened.”

I snapped.

I just snapped.

I snapped as much as a mute girl could.

‘I pushed him away because I didn't need him! I don't need him in my messed up life! And you want to know why you don't know what happened? Because I'm not sharing it! With anybody!’

I turned on my heel and stormed off towards my bed room, completely ignoring anything Carrie had to say.

I busted into my room and with a big SLAM, I shut more door.

I reached behind me and locked my door before running over to my bed and throwing myself down on the bed. I grabbed my pillow and placed it over my head.

My head was throbbing. My emotions were all over the place.

She just had to bring up him, didn’t she?

God, if I could scream…

I would be.

Harry’s POV:

“I’m pretty drunk and I don’t care.

I’m pretty drunk and I don’t care.

I’m pretty drunk and I don’t careeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

So let’s drink some more!”

I laughed and took another big swig of whiskey from the bottle in my hand.

“That’s the stuff!” I laughed as I turned and started dancing horridly.

I was getting very in to it, as much as I could be for being the only one dancing. I was at my flat all alone, but that’s no reason not to party!

I started swaying my hips in a girl like manner and dumped some more alcohol down my throat. It stung, but not as bad as it used it. You get used to the burn of alcohol after being drunk almost every day.

I’d just thrown my hands up in the air and started twirling when big bangs hit against my door.




“Damn it, Styles!”

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