Chapter 5

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Bailey's POV:

I watched Harry as he got out of the cab and walked in to the building. My stomach has just calmed down from nerves and now they were back.

I swore my hearts pace started beating a million beats per second. I felt my hands get clamy and he started to walk towards me.

He smiled as he got closer and I melted in my seat. He has smiled a few times since we've met but not like this. This on reached his eyes and both dimples were showing. Now 

I know why millions of girls were swooning over him...

"Hey Bailey!" He chirped as he sat down in the seat in front of me.

I smiled back and signed 'hello Harry.'

He grinned even more as he set down a shoulder bag of his own on the table.

I raise an eyebrow at him and pointed at it. He looked at me and smiled even bigger.

Jeez, who poured rays of sunshine in his cereal this morning?? 

But I liked it...

"That, Bailey..." he said pointing at his bag," Is a surprise I have for you. But first, would you like to come with me to order? My treatttt."

I smiled and nodded. 

All my nerves, they're long gone now. In fact, I was bouncing with joy.

First off- He has a surprise for me! No one has ever really given me any thing! And I knew it had to be a good surprise since he was happy about it!

Second- He was really happy! 

Like realllllyyyy happy. Never would of guessed he almost turned into the British hulk the other day...

Thirdly- He British charm and his gentlemen ways were making me all giddy and his hot accent didn't help...

Fourthly- HE SHOWED UP!! I thought he was going to stand me up like any normal person would do! Maybe this isn't out of pity... Maybe he liked me...

"NO!!!!" I screamed in my head.  

There is no way Harry FREAKING Edward Styles liked me. No one likes the mute girl. I can not let myself like him. No falling for the popstar! I need to remember rule one.. 

And I thought of another rule..

Rule #2 : no kissing the popstar

Seriously that was on of the first ideas that popped into my mind. Kissing those perfect soft pink lips....

"erm you there Bailey..? Your awfully quiet.."

I shook myself out of my thoughts and looked at him.

"OH CRAP! No I ment .."

I smiled and started doing my retarded silent seal laugh.

He looked at me the sighed. 

"Oh thank gosh.. I thought I offended you..."

I just smiled and shook my head no. I actually found his awkward uncomfortableness insanely cute..

Darn! No! Keep the rules in mind!!

"so what would you like?" Harry asked me as we walked up to the counter.

Scott left as I arrived and Hanna always leaves at 6 to go home to take care of her daughter. Hannah never married but she wanted kids. So she adopted an adorable 7 year old named Scarlett. She's a bundle of joy and knows sign language since she was deaf in her left ear.

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