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"Well you sure took your sweet time, I do hope you both weren't distracted during your mission."

"Us? NAAAAAAAAAH, what makes you think that?" John smirked. "Other than me remarking about free strippers all the way back in Chapter Two. But hey if it weren't for that DannyONeal wouldn't have suggested we go after Lust first!"

"... Who?"

"Oh right, they've deleted their account a couple years back but if it weren't for them this story would never have been made in the first place! They wrote the entire prologue for the author and encouraged her to keep on writing as she was here, they also made a cool series of George and I as angels reacting to different bands."

"Yeah, John? Can I have some privacy here?" Stu muttered, watching as his two former bandmates left him to be with the deity. "Did you notice that you were missing an angel when the sins all escaped?.."

"I have heard, Linda told me you got kidnapped by Sloth on the way down. I take it you were given dark power to try and combat the two I sent down?"

"Y.. Yeah, this isn't gonna be like her new story where I'll have my wings clipped and be sent down to earth forever for interacting with demons right?"

"Heh, you think I would do that? Those head angels aren't present in this fic, as they were never planned to be in it from the start. Besides, I forgive all for their sins, so I forgive you too."

That's all Stu wanted to hear, he spent the entire story worrying what he might say despite him being all cool for the most part. "There is another thing we would like to know, can we still go back down to earth?"

"Well..... Oh alright, but you can only go down for two hours every day. Also you won't have your powers anymore aside from your wings, I don't even know why I gave John the ability to breathe fire to begin with."


"And to think we would have never been able to come down here if it weren't for the day George and I went missile riding!" John recounted to his sons.

"Oh really? Was that why you wanted us to do that? You know you could have just asked him if you could just say a couple last words to the boys before you went."

"Well it worked didn't it? And now Stu gets to be with us right here on earth as the cool uncle!"

The Lennon boys and Dhani laughed away at their now blushing uncle, they could listen to how their dads saved the earth from their own stupidity all day long, which they have ever since 2016. "You sure that part about nearly killing the former president will age well?"

"Would the way he handled the pandemic answer your question? But seriously, we managed to overcome the seven sins and didn't even cause a major forest fire! Of course if I still had my ice breath I could undo a lot of damage."

The banter continued all through the night, luckily there was no way any of the sins could return to earth. Mostly because there were no more missiles to ride on and the glass wall was replaced with an impenetrable diamond barrier, but hey at least that's something? "Hey George!! How about tomorrow we go surfing inside a volcano?"

"Ummmmm, how about just a simple game of Miitopia instead? I don't want this story to drag on any longer than it needs to be."

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