Chapter 3

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Once they've settled down at a hotel, George began looking through some newspapers to see if any anomalies had occurred. "Looks like more people are being sexually stimulated all across Europe. This must be the work of Lust. Right John?... John?"

Turns out he was busy trying to work a computer. "This is a weird TV. How do you change the channels?"

"Ugh. We really need to get up to date on this new 21st century tech. I think that's supposed to be a computer. But the monitor is much more flat, unlike the box shaped one I saw when I was alive. But we shouldn't worry about it now, Lust is loose somewhere around here and we have to find it!"

"I know, that's why I'm trying to work this computer thingie. I heard that there's this place called an internet where people can post information and stuff for anyone to see on a place called online. We can have a better chance at pinpointing Lust's exact location if anyone noticed all the sudden hornyness and posted it."

"Alright, let's try to figure this out."

It really didn't go too well. First they got tangled up in the wires, then George spilled coffee on the keyboard, then he caused a power failure all over England (don't ask how that happened) and finally John got distracted by YouTube's latest cat videos. But after almost five hours, they did manage to find some info about where Lust can be.

"Well this website thing says that the hive all the sexual pulses are happening in Germany, near Hamburg."

"I remember all those sex shops and strip clubs we saw while we were touring there as teens. That would definitely attract something like Lust. Pack your bags Georgie, we're about to head back to Hamburg! I wonder what had changed since we away."

"We have no bags to pack, also how are we supposed to go up against one of the deadly sins? Lust might be able to influence us as well as the living. We don't even know what kind of powers the big guy granted us with? And shouldn't we deal with the minor demons here first?"

"Well... You do have a point there. Maybe we should do some training before heading to Hamburg. We can practice our new abilities on the little squirts here before we deal with the main mo-"

But before John could finish his sentence, a human sized wasp-like creature burst into their room. "ACK! GET THAT THING OUT OF HERE!!"

While searching the drawers for bug-spray, the two were eventually cornered by the wasp. "I always hated bugs..."

"Like when those beetles ate the tree that was planted in memory of you?"

"Don't! Remind! ME!!!" George bellowed, sending sound waves all throughout the room. Shattering the wasp to pieces in the process.

"... Damn Geo. I'd better make sure I don't get on your bad side."

"That... was pretty cool I must say. I wonder what other powers I have."

"One sec, lemme try something against that hive!"

Taking a deep breath, John tried to let out an ear piercing screech like George had done, but instead he ended up spitting fire at the wasp nest. "Awesome! I can breathe fire!"

"Yeah John, I just hope we'll be strong enough to find and defeat Lust."

"We can beat that thing no sweat! I mean, what can it do that we'd be weak against?"

"Who knows? I mean, it is one of the Devil's underlings right? He can probably do anything to manipulate us."

"I guess your right, we'd better train some more... Right after I watch this cat video!"


But what they didn't know was that they were being watched.

"Two humans believe they can defeat our master? What nonsense."

"But didn't you see what they did to our nest? I don't think they're mortals."

"I suppose you do have a point there. But if we warn master Lust about what we heard, those two men won't stand a chance against us!"

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