Go Out and Touch Some Grass!

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Chapter 8: Go Out and Touch Some Grass!


''The nuts bolts on this are too rusted to be salvaged...I make a new one.'

"WOOOOOO!!" I hollered from where I was lounging on the couch, watching as the man in the YouTube video began to turn the cylinder of metal in the bolts that he need. I'd been waiting for Mr. "My Mechanics" to say that iconic line for the whole freakin' video! Never did I think I would find myself watching restoration videos for entertainment, but one well-placed video in my recommended and I was hooked! Is this what it was like getting older, I wondered?

"Man, this deadlock vice is going to look so freakin' good." I munched on my popcorn, uncaring of the crumbs that scattered around me. I fumbled around for my drink, not wanting to exert the effort to look away from the screen as well as move my hands. I had managed to get into a perfectly comfortable groove in the couch and I didn't want to mess it up by moving. I was perfectly content to sit there and enjoy the day in peace. Unfortunately, that sentiment wouldn't last long.

Suddenly, the door to my apartment slammed open with enough force to rattle the entire apartment complex. I flinched more at the light from the outside than the frightening entrance and hissed like a feral cat. I squinted through the blasted natural sunlight to see Angie was glaring down at me with a contempt reserved only for me.

"Oh my fuc-, you're still on that god damn couch?!" She yelled, kicking the door closed with her foot. "Have you even moved from that spot since I left?!"

"Of course I have," I shot back, eyes squinted as Angie turned on the lights. "I had to use the bathroom sometimes, duh."

"With how shitty you smell right now I doubt it." She wrinkled her nose as she walked over.

"Hey, you don't look like Aphrodite herself." I shot back with a pout.

"Well that's because I just came back from "work"." She stressed, raising an unimpressed brow. "Unlike a certain dumbass who only got fired after a week. Honestly, that's a new record even for you."

At the mention of my job, I felt my mood sour even more. "I wasn't fired! I'm just...taking a break." And by taking a break, I meant avoiding the problem by locking myself in my apartment like a coward.

It's been about a week since my last disastrous delivery and I was still reeling from the effects of it. Now that I was aware of the supernatural world and how uncomfortably close it was, I could barely leave the apartment without having a panic attack. What was once a homeless guy, a sweet old lady, or even some bratty kid could now be a freaking monster! A vampire could be trying to give you flyers or a witch could be the Karen walking into your job! I tried to tell myself that I was just being judgmental and paranoid, but then I'd remember the time I got molested and almost murdered by a vampire and I'm like oh, okay my concerns are valid!

Thinking about that moment made me place a hand over the blasted mark on my neck. Even if it had faded substantially over time, it was still a vivid reminded of the dangers that I narrowly avoided and could encounter if I wasn't careful. I had told Mrs. Grimassi to give me time to think about my decision, but I knew I didn't have forever. I had to decide whether I wanted to continue working at the Grimassi's or not and the prospect of choosing was seriously stressing me out...

Angie furrowed her brow even more before sighing. She then reached into her bag and handed me an energy drink that she must've had left over from her earlier shift. I stared at the fluorescent can in surprise, causing Angie to scoff.

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