Drink Up!

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AAAAA while I'm excited to get this chapter out to you guys, I'm not 100% satisfied with how it. Idk how to explain it and it's probably just my perfectionist brain actin' up again lol😭. Regardless, I hope ya'll can enjoy it!

Quick warning though! Some of the dialogue here will get a wee~ bit NSFW lol. Nothing explicit though, so don't worry~!🖤


Chapter 10: Drink Up!


UC Selene was just as massive as I imagined, though the collegiate architecture was a nice surprise. It gave the school a rather mystical and aged feel, especially since everything was bathed by the pale moonlight above. 'A full moon', I noted, shivering as an odd summer chill passed by. The weather was always so weird here. I pulled my jacket closer to my body, listening to Piper chatter on by my side as we walked.

"So, we take a left here, then a right and we should be there!" Piper chimed, looking up from reading the directions on her phone with a huff. "Man, this place is freaking huge! Thank god we got directions, or we would've been lost af."

"Well, we wouldn't have been too lost." I mused, listening to the distant bass of music continue to grow as we made our way closer to the party. "We'd just have to follow the sweet, dulcet sounds of Doja Cat and drunk hollering."

A few minutes later and we had finally arrived at our destination! Like the rest of the school, the Pi Tau Lambda frat house had a gothic exterior of weather worn grey brick. Its old school feel didn't mesh at all with the rowdy partying taking place both inside and outside of it. A slew of people was lounging on the front steps of the building or out on the lawn, talking, drinking, or playing random games like half-drunk football.

"Looks like this is the place!" Piper cheered, grabbing my hand and quickening her pace towards the crowd. As I was being semi-dragged along, I couldn't help but feel a little nervous. This was my first legit party after all. I had no idea what to expect, if the portrayals of college parties in movies and shows weren't to be trusted. I took a deep breath of the crisp night air, only to cough as we passed some nearby pot smokers. Ugh, didn't these assholes know that secondhand smoke kills?!

As soon as we walked through the front double doors of the frat, I was immediately hit with a wave of sensations. Body heat from being engulfed by the large crowd of people, the vibrations of the base boosted up to eleven, the smell of weed, sweat, and alcohol that permeated the air, the flashing rainbow lights punctuated with strobe ones that really should've come with a seizure warning. It was an atmosphere that could only be truly enjoyed by an intoxicated person which, unfortunately, I was not at the moment. I grimaced, feeling cagey at all the bodies gradually bumping and grinding their way towards me.

"Well this certainly ain't a CDC approved place." I muttered towards Piper who looked just as enthused about having her personal space invaded as I was.

"You got that right..." She muttered, trying to look over the crowd of people. "We gotta find Chris and Penny. Knowing them, they should be over in a corner somewhere hiding for refuge. We'll be safe there!"

"Chris is that friend you mentioned earlier, right?" I asked, remembering that they were the one who said that Piper could bring a friend or two to the party. She nodded before her eyes lit up in recognition.

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