*Insert Twilight Reference Here*

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What's this? An update in the same month and not after a half-year hiatus? Witchcraft!


Chapter 14: *Insert Twilight Reference Here*


'You know, this is the second time I've had my face pressed against this man's chest, and something tells me this won't be the last.' I mused, still pretty delirious from all the chaos that had happened in such a short time.


I grimaced at Emmanuel's voice all up in my ear. Ugh, c'mon man what was with the yelling? My head already hurts enough.


I turned to look up at him. Yup, it really was him. That mother fucker right there, scowling at me just like he did that fateful, horrible night we first met. He looked the same, handsome jerk face and all, but something was a bit different.

"I swear to the seven hells, will you stop ignoring-"

"You're wearing glasses."

He blinked, seemingly taken aback at me pointing out the antique looking frames on his face.

Hey man, I'm just as surprised as you are. But damn, low-key he was rocking them. And not just his glasses, but his whole fit right now. His silk pajamas he had on last time had been replaced with a frilled wine-red dress shirt, black trench coat over his shoulders, and the swaggiest black pants I've ever seen. And those heeled boots?? Honestly slay. Seriously, how unfair is it that he could pull off any look so effortlessly like this?

I wrinkled my nose. Yeah, ain't no way I'm gonna say that to him though. Can't have him think I'm simping for him now. Gotta piss him off instead.

"You look like a nerd."

I could see a vein of annoyance throbbing on his temple. Heh, mission accompli- SHIT!

One second I was being princess carried in Emmanuel's arms, the next he dropped me on the ground like a bag of rocks. Okay, first off I deserved that. But secondly, ow that hurt!

"I should've just let you plummet to your death and drown." He grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose with a sigh.

"But 'cha didn't." I groaned, rubbing my sore ankle. Maybe I really did sprain it earlier?

"A fact of which I'm already regretting." He crossed his arms, looking down at me with a scowl. "Now, do you mind telling me what the hell you're doing so far out here on Mt. Hemlock in the middle of the night no less? Pathetic humans like you can hardly survive in your shite world, let alone here. Where's your self-preservation instincts woman?!"

I so badly wanted to say "with your mom" just to be petty, but I didn't want to disrespect Mrs. Bathormont like that. Instead, I shot him a suspicious look of my own.

"I could ask you the same thing. The heck are you doing out here so late at night?"

He tensed up, and I almost thought I caught him blushing for a second. When I took a closer look though, there wasn't a tint of red to be found.

He jerkily raised a fist to cough into it, gazing stubbornly off to the side. "I- I was simply just out for a stroll! Nights for us vampires are basically days for humans, so it shouldn't surprise you-"

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