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Summary: In desperate need for money, (Full Name) applies for a job offer as a pizza delivery girl that pays suspiciously well. All is fine for the first few shifts, but once she's given a last-minute order on a graveyard shift to a place called Amityville Street, she soon learns why the pay was so good.
Be it eccentric vampires, werewolves, satanic rituals, axe wielding serial killers, zombies, and more; we'll have your pizza delivered in under 30 minutes or less. If not, then it's free!


Good Evening (or Morning/Afternoon) dear readers~! Tis I, Lavander Venom, with a yandere story I had been working on for quite sometime. It's a concept that I though would be interesting and fun to write and I'm a sucker for yandere stories~

Of course, with such a story comes content warnings! This story will include depictions and mentions of violence, gore, dark humor, profanity, sexual innuendos (tho nothing too crazy *wink wonk*), and more that may make some readers uncomfortable. I'm not here to traumatize anyone, but to entertain so if you feel like this story may be too much for you than I kindly urge you to sit this one out.

If you feel like you'll be fine, however, than go ahead and click that next button!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story, and I hope you'll enjoy the grim and wacky adventures of a pizza delivery girl~

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