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Alora Lin

"You look nice."

I circled around, meeting Draco's piercing eyes. I pursed my lips in disgust, "Can't say the same about you."

"Quite witty, are you?" he chuckled, stepping closer so that his shoulder brushed against mine as we stood side by side.

"What are you even doing here?" I asked, glaring up at him. "This is Padma's wedding. Since when were you two friends?"

"We're not," he shrugged, downing the rest of his drink and placing his empty glass on a nearby table. "Dylan's a fan of the Magpies, so he invited everyone on the team to the wedding."

I scoffed, "Wow, first name basis. Didn't realize you two were so close."

"You jealous?" he raised an eyebrow.

I bit the inside of my cheek to hold back the string of curse words I wanted to scream at him.

"Oh, lighten up, would you?"

"Whatever," I humphed, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Now, where's that fiancé of yours?" Draco questioned, keeping his eyes on the shoreline in front of us. The altar was set up right before it, and rows of chairs lined the sandy beach.

"He's at work," I sighed. "As usual."

Draco smiled to himself, glancing down as he shuffled his feet from side to side.

"Why?" I continued. "You want us to put on a show for you again?"

He rolled his tongue along his cheek, stuffing his hands into his pockets, "If you want to, then by all means. We all know it wasn't the thought of your fiancé that made you cum."

My head spun in his direction as I hissed through gritted teeth, "What's that supposed to mean?"

He tittered, swiping his bottom lip with his thumb before turning to look me in the eyes, "You know exactly what it means."

He walked away, leaving me in rage. 

No one riles me up like he does. 

Draco knows exactly what to do to get under my skin.

"Dylan," I seethed, storming towards the groom as he started making his way towards the altar to prepare for the ceremony.

"Alora!" he grinned, opening his arms to offer a hug.

"Please don't take offense to this because normally, I would give you a hug, but seriously? The Magpies?"

"What?" he looked at me innocently. "They're my favorite Quidditch team!"

"But you're a Muggle! Couldn't you have invited your favorite football team or something?"

He tittered, "What's gotten your knickers in a twist?"

I rolled my eyes, "Are you forgetting how big of an ass the Magpies' Seeker is? Has Padma never told you about how he used to bully me and her in school?"

He shrugged, "Padma seemed fine with the idea of inviting the team. Plus, she mentioned how it'll give you a chance to figure out some unresolved feelings or whatever."

"Unresolved feel– Ugh!" I shrieked, drawing the attention of some adults nearby. I sucked in a deep breath to try and calm myself down.

How did she even know? I never told her about my hookups with Draco.

"How much do you know?" I inquired Dylan, lowering my voice.

"K-Know what?" his eyes widened as he gazed back at me in bewilderment.

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