27 - MY LOVE

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Alora Lin

"Is blindfolding me really necessary?"

His low chuckle echoed throughout the vacant space we were walking in. His fingers were intertwined with mine while he led me through hallways that twisted and turned.

"If you weren't wearing a blindfold, it wouldn't exactly be a surprise," he spoke matter of factly. I could picture him rolling his eyes at me, causing the edges of my lips to curl up.

"Well, are we there yet?" I purposefully complained, finding his annoyed attitude to be incredibly amusing.

"Yeah, yeah, quit whining, will you? I'm never taking you on a date again if you keep nagging."

"No need for the empty threats. I know you find me irresistible," I flipped my hair over my shoulder.

His laugh reverberated around the room before I felt his soft lips against mine, "You're right. I can't seem to stay away from you."

I blindly reached forward until my hands clasped around the back of his neck. I pulled him down for another kiss, working my lips feverishly against his and slipping my tongue into his mouth.

"Hm," he hummed, a smile tugging on his lips. "Save that for dessert, my love. You can't get me hard this early on in the night."

I frowned, pouting my lips and feeling his fingers trail down the side of my forehead before placing a strand of hair behind my ear. 

"Then hurry the fuck up and bring me my food. I'm starving," I demanded.

"Alright, jeez," he tittered, resting his hand on my lower back and ushering me forward a few more steps.

At last, I inhaled a whiff of fresh air, and my feet stepped onto what felt like grass. Draco walked behind me; his chest grazed my back as he began untying the blindfold. He kissed the top of my head before removing the cloth from my eyes, allowing me to finally examine our surroundings.

I looked around, scrunching up my brows when I realized that we were in a Quidditch stadium. Two brooms sat in the middle of the field a few feet away. Other than that, the place was completely empty.

"You're giving me Quidditch lessons?" I raised a brow, glancing behind my shoulder to peer up at him.

He grinned down at me, "Yep."

"Oh... yay," I tried to muster a smile. 

The last time I went on a broomstick, I fell fifty feet through the air and had a near death experience. I've been too scared to try again ever since.

"What? You don't like it?" Draco's face softened, making him look like a child who had been told he couldn't get his favorite toy for Christmas.

"No, no, I love it," I lied, whirling around and placing my hands on his chest.

He snorted, causing me to scrunch up my forehead in confusion. The next instant, he was laughing into his hand, pointing a finger at me as he cackled to the point where he could barely breathe.

"What's so funny?" I stared at him in bewilderment.

He was holding onto his chest, bending over before finally catching his breath, "Oh, you should've seen your face. That was priceless."

I crossed my arms over my chest, narrowing my eyes at him as he twisted his facial features to try and mock the terrified expression I had worn just a few seconds earlier.

Eventually, he wiped away his tears and returned to a straightened posture. Clearing his throat, he walked past me with a smirk plastered on his face. "Don't worry, darling. I remember how scared of heights you are." 

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