Chapter 4 ~ The talk

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The next day from the episode "Pilot" I didn't have history with the Scooby gang meaning that I couldn't contradict Mr. Tanner, oh bummer. 

What I planned for today was keep Damon away from Bonnie and I guess also Caroline no one should be treated like she did in the original episodes and most important I was going to make the Salvator's brothers realize that they will get played by dearest Elena.

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It was time, I went to the campfire and just blended with people.  Outfite above ^

"Jeremy! Jeremy, where the hell are you going!" after I heard that I knew they were going to see Vivki dead so being a good friend I followed them in the shadows.

"I don't want to hear it!" Jeremy snapped "Yeah well too bad" Elena said. When little Gilbert was close to falling down I stooped time, Ugh this was going to take so much energy from me. 

After I saw everything frozen I seated next to Vicki and cured her a little with my hands and made a spell that will help her with the pain she will feel.

I got up and teleported to my car, but it didn't work I got send to a deepest part in the forest. I think I just discovered what happens when I use to much my abilities. I unfrezzed the Gilbert siblings and decided that I was going to sleep here.

"Good night" I said to no one and fell sleep in the middle of the forest with leaves as a blanket because of my exhaustion.

I woke up to the sound of sirens and saw that it was still night. "Oh fuck I need to safe Caroline and threaten Damon" I runned to my car, after 7 minutes I arrived to the grill, when I got there I was too late Caroline and Damon were already making eyes to each other.

Time to plan B! I waited for Damon to get out of the grill when he did I tackled him. "What the hell!" he grabbed my neck and pushed me to an alley. The fuck he just did? "Who are you and what do you want!" he literally yelled to my ear. "Ughh quiet down and take your hands out of my neck" he didn't cooperate so with telekinesis I took him out of his hold and pushed him to the other wall.

"Let me go!" Damon demanded struggling in the wall. "No! you will listen to me I am Alisa Lilura Morningstar and you creatures do what I tell them to do unless you are too dumb to disobeyed me." at this moment Damon's face was hilarious.

"You will let Bonnie out of all this drama, take out Caroline's compulsion and don't get near to her again unless you have good intentions.

"No you freak!" he did not just said that. I decided to inflict some pain, with my telekinesis I started taking Damon's heart out of his body slowly so is more painful.

"Ok I will just stop!" he screamed, I thrower him to the floor and started walking out from the alley. "Hope we can be friends Dam-dam!" I screamed before going to my car and disappearing on the streets to my house.

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Today a day before the comet ☄️ I used the outfit above ^ and went strait to school.

I saw Jeremy and Tyler fighting, this was the perfect timing to tell Tyler about the supernatural.

"You hurt her one more time, I swear to god, I will kill you." after Jeremy said that and left I walked were Tyler was. "Hello Tyler" I said "Hi Ali sorry you saw that, some times I can't control my anger." at this time the girls that were there had walked away I think because of my presence.  

"Is alright Tyler, come with me to the hospital." He just nodded and followed me to my car, on our way I saw the classroom were Jenna was talking with Mr. Tanner, I grabbed a mid size rock and was about to show it when.

"Ali what are you doing!?" Tyler whisper yelled at me. "Shush Tyler he deserved, I throw the rock aiming at the Professor's head and with my telekinesis throw it breaking the window and leaving a small wound on Mr. Tanner forehead. 

"Wow that was awesome" Tyler said while we were running to my car. "Thats what he get for being mean and annoying".

We arrived outside of the hospital and waited for Matt. After some minutes we saw Jeremy enter and Matt going out of the building, "Matt come we are going somewhere!" me and Tyler shouted at the same time, he was so confuse it was so funny.

"Alisa what's happening I don't have time for whatever you guys are going to do." he answered, oh hell no he is not going to ruin my plans.

"Just come it will be fast!" he entered to my car and I drive to my house. When we got there Matt was the most confuse because we really didn't talk that much before, I told them about the supernatural also that Tyler was a werewolf and told them who/what I was.

That they were scared was understanding, I mean a familiar to the devil who wouldn't run, anyways I showed them my wings and some of my abilities and asked Matt if he wanted to be a vampire.

After I told him the pros he accepted, so I need it to get some vampire blood and a daylight ring.

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It was night time, also it was the day of the comet.

After school I went to Bonnie's Grandma's house so I could talk to her about Bonnie's knowledge of the supernatural.

I parked my car outside and nocked on Sheila's door. "Hello how may I help you" Sheila answered the door, I forgot we haven't met yet.

"Morningstar" was the only thing I need it to say, she held a shocked expression but soon recovered and lead me inside her home. I seated on the couch from the living room, "What do I own this visit Ms. Morningstar" Sheila asked me.

How I love the power my family have over supernatural but above all to witches.

"Hello Sheila I am here because you need to tell bonnie all about the supernaturals and explain all about her powers" I deadpanned. "But she is not ready this is serious" oh she didn't said that.

"It is necessary I don't need to explain myself but some bad stuff is going to happened as you already know because of the comet and sweet Bonnie is going to be in that mess, so you tell her or I will." I demanded, Bonnie need to know and is her grandma's duty to tell her.

"I will Ms." that's how our conversation finished.

Well that's one job done. 

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When I got to my house I jumped on my bed and started thinking about my soulmates, I just don't know who they will be and their are no spells or anythingthat could help me figure it out.

I asked Lucifer and retold me he knew who they were and when I asked him if he could tell me he laughed at my face!

At least Dam-dam and Bunny-eater are out of the picture, I think I should visit Enzo and take him out of were they are keeping him.


Next Chapter.....Alisa will get closer to Jeremy and she will safe Bonnie and Elena from Ana and Ben.

Disclaim: I just own my original character and plot.


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