Chapter 7 ~ Matt's Ritual

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It was the next day after I talked to Rose and Trevor, they were going to convert Matt a vampire like he wanted, but I will give him some extra abilities through a ritual.

I been close to Tyler, Jeremy, he comes everyday to my house to cry or be hugged because he is still hurt by Vicki's death also that his sister betrayed him, Matt have been helping me with math work I didn't expect he was good at something at school but I was proved wrong he is gifted for math. (Matt is also super exited to be a vampire)

I went to school and heard Elena and Caroline talking about that she is a doppelgänger and how Elena is in a fight with Damon and he didn't want to talk to her. I was surprise that Caroline knew about the supernatural I guess I changed that, anyways everything will change after Elena is kidnapped.

After school I prepared everything for the ritual and transition of Matt, I have compelled a human so he can drink from her.

It was night time and I changed. Outfit above^

Matt called me to ask me where the ritual was happening and I told him I was going to take him.


In the forest Matt, the compelled human, Rose, Trevor and me were in a circle.

"Okay Rose please bite your wrist and but it in Matt's mouth so he can drink it and put some in this bowl" she did what I told her. "Now I need some blood from Matt, please give me your arm" I took some of Matt's blood and put it in the bowl with Rose's blood.

"Rose snap Matt's neck so it doesn't hurt him too much" I ordered her. Matt ended me a small smile before it disappeared when Rose killed him, It kinda hurt see him be killed but I know he will be alright.

I chanted some spells so he had new abilities. When I finished I saw Matt take a huge breath and stand up looking around when he saw the girl he drinker her blood but didn't kill her meaning he had restraint, Yes! it worked.

"Hi Matt how are you feeling? Rose and Trevor wait here." 

"Ali I feel good thank you and what are the abilities you told me I had?"

"Oh yes, well by being a vampire you already know you can't walked into houses without permission and you can't walk in the sun but here I have two daylight rings, one for you and one for Rose the other one I will give it to you Trevor after the other part of the deal" I explained while giving Matt and Rose their rings.

"But Matti I gave you some new abilities, you can't die because of a stake in your heart or something like that, the only thing that can kill you is me or anyone from my family or a stake made of volcanic rock" I whispered the last part so no one else could hear me.

"Alisa when are we discussing the plan?" Rose asked me.

"Oh yes on the Founder's day party you will kidnapped me and Elena" Rose and Trevor looked stunned and Matt was happy?

"Why would we kidnapped you" Trevor asked

"Because I want to meet Elijah well don't change subject. Matt why are you happy" I was really confuse I just said they were kidnapping his ex.

"Elena have been trying to get my attention when she is with Stefan and broke up with me and told me it was she need it time and she just started dating Stefan, why would she do that, so yeah is fine" Matt said, okay this is good he is completed me on my side.

"Where do we take you and the doppelgänger?" Rose asked me

"To an old house far from here I will give you the directions later, well that is all just call Elijah and tell him to meet at the house after the Party" I said, they just nodded and left.

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