Chapter 10 ~ An unexpected visit

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It's been a long time since the call to contact Niklaus, so yesterday we called the contact and he told us that Elijah's brother is on his way and will possibly arrive in two days, which means that Nik is coming tomorrow.

So I have to go talk to Mason Tyler's uncle who has already made an appearance in mystic falls consequently I am already in the second season.

I need to tell him about the moonstone and get him to go somewhere else for at least a few months so nothing happens to him, since Tyler esteems him very much and I don't want Ty to be sad or worried about his uncle.

Today I was wearing some denim light blue jeans, a black belt around the high part of them and a dark green shirt that hugged my upper body and some white converse. Outfit above^  

I feel I've been dressing different from the actual year that the series was filmed so have more stares than I should originally have and that pissed Elijah, a lot.


'Lijah and me were entering the Mystic Grill to have some drinks and I have wearing a leader tight skirt and a black top with a pink suit jacket. 

"Ow!" I shouted when a semi-build  guy slapped my butt, I was going to kill the guy but.. "How dare you treat a women like that, she is MINE!"  Elijah growled and trowed a big hit on his head leaving him unconscious. 

End of Flashback.

First I was going to make a little visit to the Salvatores, I grabbed my ring a slid it to my index finger, took flight with my black wings by being invisible to my destination. 

"Hellooooo!" I barged into the boarding house while making my wings disappear, "Are my second favorite brothers here?" I asked while sitting on the nearest couch.

"What are you doing here?" Stefan asked when he speeded to the room with an annoyed face, "Just visiting and I need to talk to your dear brother" I said.

"We are your second favorites brothers" Damon asked when he speeded to the room faking being hurt by my words with a hand on his chest. "Yeah well the Mikaelsons are the first ones, anyways I need you Damon to don't hurt or touch Mason Lookwood is Tyler's family and he is important to him and my plan" I stated, lets say Damon dint take it to well.

"Who are the Mikaelsons?" Stefan asked me, "Well they are the original family and-" I was cut by Damons comment.

"I won't hurt or touch Mason if you take one drink with me" he said with a big smile on his face, too big if you ask me something is off here. "Sure..." 

Stefan leaved the room and Damon bridged some Bourbon, I didn't like it that much but if it takes to safe Mason from Damon I will drink it. "Here you goo" He said while serving the liquid on my glass, suddenly I heard one window break from the living room and I turned around to see a rock on the carpet, what the heck.

"What was that?" I asked when I turned back around to see Damon with a enormous smile, this is creepy. "Oh nothing I guess some children just have a small sip from your drink" this is obviously a trap or something.

I took a sip from my drink and I felt like my throat was on fire, then like my body was on fire and that's when all my body caught on fire, my mouse tasted like infernium that with my knowledge I know is a sustain to caught things on a eternal fire, that normally fells like lava but I am a demon and on that is close to Lucifer by blood so it would do nothing to me, but I decided to play along.

I faked that I loosed my breath and trowed myself to the floor and laid there like I was dead, I also made my heart stop but it won't kill me it will be all just a fake scenario.

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