Chapter 5 ~ Car wash and Kidnapping

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Everything have been the same, I haven't messed with the actions from the characters.

Tanner is dead and I am very glad about it, Sheila did tell Bonnie all about the supernatural and the Bennet ancestors. I have been approaching Jeremy, because I couldn't just watch him do drugs and suffer with the Vicki and Tyler thing.

I should tell Tyler to stop playing Vicki, she is not the nicest person but I know that she is going through stuff.

Today was the car wash thing and Bonnie ask me to be there because she told me and I quote, "If Caroline make me go I will bring you with me so I don't suffer alone" I also agreed so I can see if Bonnie put fire on a car, although she knows she is a witch it doesn't mean she knows how to use or control her powers.

Outfit above for the car wash ^

I was observing Stefan and Elena's interaction when I heard a scream. I turned around and saw a car on fire and Bonnie doing eye contact with it (their was hot chemistry 😂) anyways I runned were she was and stoped the fire with my powers.

"Bonnie! Bonnie! Look at me!" I whisper yelled at Bonnie, she really wasn't getting out of the trance. After a minute she reacted "Oh sorry I don't know what happened" she hugged me while her eyes watered.

I hugged her back an whispered in her ear "Is alright Bonn-boon I was like that the first time I discovered about my abilities".

After that show I took Bonnie with me to my house, we saw some movies and eat ice cream we also talked about her witchy powers while I tried to help her get some control of it.

When we were almost asleep I remember that today Elena was going to be informed about the supernatural. Oh joy!

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It have passed some time after Bonnie's show (the car wash accident).

The night came when I remembered that today Jeremy was going to see Vicki die and be compelled but there is a problem he had a vervain tattoo I bet he is fucking scare right now, this is my time to shine and be a nice bitch.

The night came when I remembered that today Jeremy was going to see Vicki die and be compelled but there is a problem he had a vervain tattoo I bet he is fucking scare right now, this is my time to shine and be a nice bitch

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I putted some boots and drives to the Gilbert's house to comfort little Gilbert. Outfit above ^

When I nocked on the door and no one opened I look to my left and right, when I saw no one was in sight, I climbed though an open window to the Gilbert's living room. 

"Alisa what are you doing here and how did you enter!?" a very sad looking Jeremy whisper yelled at me. "First call me Ali, second I am here to be your crying shoulder" I said confidently.

Jeremy just looked at me and asked the funniest thing I have ever heard. "And three? there is always a third reason" I literally busted out laughing. "I am sorry that was funny, there is not a third and come here Jer"

 After I opened my arms and directed Jeremy for a hug we stayed like that for a long time. We seated on the couch and he started silently crying on my shoulder. 

Next day I woke up and noticed that Jeremy and I were cuddling in his sofa, from the corner of my eyes I saw Jenna looking at us with a questioning look while she hided behind the kitchen door.

I shrug it off and made my way to my car not before leaving a small note for Jer telling him that I hope he feels better and I will be there when he needs it.

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When I got to my house I changed into a fighting outfit and practice more knife/dagger fighting with my aunt. outfit above ^

I was thinking who's vampire could I use to turn Matt into one (ofc I will give him some extra pros) when someone knocked on my door.

When I openned the door I saw Stefan with a worried but also Sirius expression in his face.

"Hello? Do you need something?" I asked him. "Alisa I know who you really are and I want your help to safe Elena and Bonnie from Ana and Ben" oh strait to the point I see, "May I ask how is that u know who I am?" "Bonnie and could you help me" 

"Yeah sure but I can do it alone bye" after I said that I closed the door on his face. Now I need it a hair from Bonnie to locate where they are keeping here, I am glad I have a small amount of hair form each principal characters. I know I am weird

When I got to the room they were I saw Bonnie and Elena tied up in 2 chairs and Ana with his partner Ben.  The kidnappers went strait to me to attack me but I froze them in place, I released the girls and told them to go home to before giving a lecture to Bonnie about telling people about who really I am.

When they were gone I made appear a comfortable chair and seat on it while I also unfroze Ana and Ben. They lunched at me to attack but with my telekinesis I made them seat in a sofa near me, "No lets het to business, I will open the tomb you take out just two people, I kill the rest of the vampires in there and Ana you stay away from Jeremy Gilbert is that fine with you, yes alright bye" after I said that I stand up and was on my way to the door when Ana spoke up.

"Wait why would we listen to you" she said, this is going to be funny. "BECAUSE IF YOU DON'T YOU WILL ALL PERISH!" I yelled with my demonic voice with my black wings out. "Wha...t..." their reaction was hilarious they just stayed shocked for who know how much time.

Now I think I should call Slater I bet he knows were Rode-Marie is, and I could use her to bring Elijah faster and most important use her to turn Matt into a vampire in exchange of 2 daylight rings.


Next chapter.....the opening of the tomb........

                                                                                   ...............does Sheila die?

                                                                                                                                        ...........Rose comes to town..

They will be just 1 or 2 chapters for the Suited Original to appear!

Disclaimer: I just own my original characters and plot.


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