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Mr Atwood gave out our test results for last weeks English test on Wednesday

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Mr Atwood gave out our test results for last weeks English test on Wednesday. I tried to hide it, but I got a an A* in my test. There was nothing like the feeling of acing a test in your favourite subject.

By lunchtime, the feeling hadn't faded. I found myself nibbling on some popcorn, trying to console Joe  as Joe complained about the grade he'd gotten in the English test. He'd gotten a D and wouldn't let us hear the end of it.

"You should have revised with me and Charlie." Taylor sighed, shaking her head.

"I was working, I couldn't." Joe said. "Plus didn't you bring Harry with you? What was that about?" He asked, turning to me. "I mean, wasn't he a complete dick to you in the parking lot on Friday?"

Ugh, don't remind me.

"We've been getting on better lately." I explained. "He even helped me to drive, it was actually pretty nice."

Taylor and Joe looked to each other, their eyes widening.

"You drove a car?" Taylor asked.

I nodded. "I know, I couldn't believe it either."

"But you drove with him, why?" Joe asked.

I shrugged. "He just convinced me. I suppose he's persuasive."

"I thought I was persuasive. I was trying to get you to drive my car for ages." Joe said.

"Joe I wasn't going to drive that thing. I wouldn't feel safe!" I said, smirking slightly.

Joe scowled at me. "Yeah, yeah. The car did the job, Charlie."

Taylor ignored Joe sulking and turned to me, resting her head on her hand. "So," She begun, her lips twisting into an amused smile "what I'm hearing is some how Harry Lakewood of all people made you feel safe."

I felt my lips tug downwards as I thought about it. "I hadn't realised that." I said, frowning. "It's strange even thinking about it." I sighed. "Me and Sebastian are still the same, though. He still hates me."

"Who cares? Let him stay his miserable self. He'll get bored soon."  Taylor shrugged.

I shrugged. "I know I haven't been the easiest to get on with either." I admitted, knowing I had actively tried to make it difficult to like me when I first moved in with them.

"From what I've seen lately you've tried. You invited Tommy to cafe Rocks on Saturday and you didn't kick Harry out when he showed up uninvited. Then you let him study with you and Taylor. You've definitely been trying with them and Sebastian probably knows that. Leave him be if he's not going to try too." Joe said.

I nodded, agreeing. Sebastian's relationship with me was his problem not mine. I couldn't force him to like me. He had to want it too.

My phone began buzzing once again, interrupting our conversation. I frowned and saw that it was the unknown number ringing me again. Along the top of my phone screen it said No Caller ID.

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