18 • Uninvited Guests • 18

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Wednesday night, I walked down my road to Billy's car. He was waiting in the car for me, but he had parked down the road where my family couldn't see him.

It was hard to slip past my mother. She was paying extra attention to what I was doing with my time and I was pretty sure she was wanting to keep track of what I was doing with the mysterious boy that I wouldn't give a name, but I managed it. I slipped out my bedroom window the way I always do.

"Hey." I smiled as I climbed inside Billy's car. "Why'd you ask me to dress formerly?" I questioned as I looked down at the baby blue dress I was wearing. Billy was even wearing a nice shirt and trousers. He cleaned up very nicely.

"We're going somewhere different." Billy told me as he pulled out of the end of my road.

"Different? Different how?"

"Do you always have to know exactly where you are going?" Billy smirked at me.

"Yes. Yes. I do." I told him, cocking an eyebrow in his direction.

Billy shook his head. "You know, Charlie." He began. "I think you need to learn to trust."

"Trust? Why?"

"You seem to not trust that I will take you somewhere that you'll like."

"Is this psychoanalysis a clever way to stop me asking questions?"

Billy smirked at me slightly, giving me a quick glance before his eyes focused on the road ahead.

"Who knows? That was a big word. Was it a clever way of getting me to admit where we're going?"

"Like you said, who knows?" I smirked, but then found myself sighing. My curiosity was getting the better of me. "Seriously. Just tell me already."

"I'll put it this way. If I tell you, you may make me turn back."

I raised my eyebrows. What did that even mean?

"Billy, seriously?" I huffed. "Just tell me."

"I am being serious. We're almost there."

I pouted, but he didn't look in my direction. Billy averted his eyes to the road. The streetlights were the only way we could see through the darkness. The radio was humming quietly, but I wasn't listening to the lyrics of the song. I was too busy wondering where on earth he was taking me.

The rest of the journey seemed to flash by and I had hardly noticed. We turned in at the Beachforde Hotel where there were lot's of other cars already filling up the parking lot. Couples were gliding towards the warmly lit front doors where a perfectly dressed doorman was standing, anticipating their arrival.

"What are we doing here?" I questioned as I eyed a woman who strode past the car in probably the most elegant pink dress I had ever seen.

Billy turned to me and smiled. "You ever crashed a yacht party?"

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