48 • A message in a bottle • 48

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Once we'd all written down on the piece of paper, the strawberry blonde, whose name I learnt was Lizzie, put all the names into a bowl

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Once we'd all written down on the piece of paper, the strawberry blonde, whose name I learnt was Lizzie, put all the names into a bowl. Lizzie swirled her hand inside the bowl, mixing the papers up. Billy reached for my hand as we watched the girl, some of the players chatting amongst themselves. I gave him a small smile, but I couldn't ignore the way my leg was bouncing up and down.

"Alright, Milo you pick." The strawberry blonde said, offering him the bowl.

I looked at Milo as I watched him put his hand in the bowl and pick out a piece of paper with a big grin on his face. It was crazy how good looking he was. His eyes shined when he smiled, making you believe he was the kindest person you'd ever met. He even had cute little dimples when the corner of his lips were drawn back.

It was sad, I was never going to see him in a good light ever again. The heaviness of what I knew about him would forever cling to his dimples, making them look like a performance. The sparkle in his eyes' now stained with the notion of a masquerade.  His gaze will make me feel like I was a deer caught in his headlights and it was his decision alone that held the power to decide whether or not he wanted to run me over. Milo was not the person I thought he was.

Much to my disappointment I knew instantly who Milo had. He smirked as soon as he unfolded the piece of paper and read the name with a glint of amusement in his eye. Then he started pretending to shiver like he was stood in the middle of Antarctica with nothing, but swimming shorts on.

I glanced to Joe, watching him smirk in amusement at Milo. The ease in joe's eyes gazed upon Milo told me he didn't know. The corners of his lips perked up into a grin as he watched Milo perform. He made his teeth  chatter together and his cheeks vibrate in a way only a true actor could master. I could only wonder how long he'd been practising for.

"It's Taylor." I spoke up, deciding to end his act sooner rather than later.

I knew as soon as he started shivering that he was doing an impression of Taylor. All Taylor ever did was complain about how cold she was. Me and Joe always made fun of her for it. I knew instantly that Joe had written it. I just hated that Milo was the one who got to do it. It just gave Taylor more of an excuse to take note of him.

"You got it." Joe said, smirking at me.

"Hey! That was not an accurate impression of me." Taylor contended.

Me and Joe just looked to each other, trying not to laugh.

"You sure, Tay? You're always complaining how cold you are." I said.

"Not always."

"Sure, Taylor." Joe said, smirking at her.

"Right," Lizzie said, gaining our attention. "That means everyone, but Charlie and Joe have to drink because Joe wrote it and Charlie guessed it."

"I have to drink too?" Milo said.

Lizzie shrugged. "If you like. The point of the game for those who didn't guess to drink, but because you were doing the impression, you're call."

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