17 • cool and mysterious • 17

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Tuesday night, I didn't have much planned

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Tuesday night, I didn't have much planned. I sat alone in the kitchen, trying to start studying alone for the next English test we had. I found myself regretting allowing Harry join Taylor and I. I knew it was a good opportunity for me to try and get along with him and show to my Mom it's possible, but I couldn't shake the feeling it would end up being a waste of my time. I'd never seen Harry show interest in taking any of his school work seriously. So, what made this test any different?

"What you doing?" Tommy questioned, coming into the kitchen with a football in hand. He and his brothers had been playing football in the garden ever since we got home.

"Studying for our English test." I replied, absently. I kept my eyes focused on my notes before me.

I didn't want to talk to Tommy right now. I struggled with concentration when I was trying to get my head around something. I could only work with the muffled background noise of a cafe or complete silence. I can't deal with the inbetween, it gets too distracting.

I heard the noise of the fridge opening and a glass making contact with the granite surface. I glanced up at him in irritation, but Tommy didn't notice me. He was too busy filling his glass with water from the fridge. The complete silence had been completely ruined.

"That's not till next week, why you studying for it now?" Tommy asked me, turning to look at me. He had my complete focus now. I watched him with irritation building up inside of me. Tommy leaned casually against the counter, showing no sign that he knew I wanted to be left alone.

I shrugged, "I like to be prepared."

Tommy nodded, "Harry said he's going to study for that test with you and your friend?" I nodded in response, but didn't verbally reply. I figured, the less I engaged, the sooner he'd get the message and leave. "That was nice of you to let him, he cares more about his grades than he lets on."

I felt my eyebrows rise up slightly at the new piece of information about Harry. I had suspected he wasn't being completely honest about how he felt being tested when he'd asked to study with me after the test. He was acting in a way that contradicted how he'd tried to portray himself.

"Mm," I hummed, "Believe it or not I can be nice sometimes."

Tommy smiled at me like he was amused. "I never said you weren't."

I titled my head from side to side. "Well, I said yes because I figured it may lead to us getting on better. You know, seeing as though we'll live in the same house until we're at least eighteen. Given, that's like what? Two years away? I'd rather try and get on with him if I've got to put up with you three."

Tommy smiled knowingly at me, but his eyes lit up slightly at my words.  "That's very mature of you." He replied.

I looked at Tommy curiously. I could tell from the softness his facial features, he was happy by what I was saying. I think Tommy wants me to get along with his brothers, I think Tommy just wants us all to get along. That realisation alone, comforted me in some weird way.

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