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Seeing my Dad stopped me in my tracks

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Seeing my Dad stopped me in my tracks. The emotions swirling inside of me calmed and all I could do was look into his murky green eyes. I knew then that I had to know the truth, I wasn't going to avoid this and drag it out as if that would stop it from hurting. I wanted to rip this band aid off and my father's arrival gave me the perfect opportunity to do this properly.

When else would I get us all in a room together again without going out of my way to make it happen?

Something within me forced me to walk through the front door of my Mom and Peter's home. I loved my father and I've always idolised him. Yet, seeing him again with the idea of him not really being my father made it so much harder. I loved him, how could I not? But now everything he's done is being called into question. How could I not wonder if the reason he discarded me the way he had was because he'd lost his only daughter and I I wasn't his?

I froze in front of my Mom and Peter when we entered the kitchen. I didn't want to enter the room, but I felt compelled to by the presence of everyone around me. It was hard to look anyone in the eye right now let alone say something. My voice was gone and my blood had stilled.

Everything was too much.

My silence went unnoticed when everyone around me started talking. Harry's voice took an argumentative tone with Sebastian in the corner whilst my parents and Peter talked in hushed voices. Tommy stood besides me looking clueless, but there was nothing I could do to remedy this.

Like me, Harry was fighting the urge to storm off. The best way to make anyone sorry for hurting you was to leave them missing you. When you're gone, they appreciate you and you're seen. Yet, that doesn't mean you're seen for who you are. All storming off does is leave you returning with the other person far too occupied in why you left  and less with the reason of why you felt like you need to leave. If I left without an explanation, my family would notice it. They wouldn't understand it. They had to understand me this time. They had to see me.

An air of confusion lingered in the air as everyone started to realise something wasn't quite right with anything. It wasn't until Sebastian walked over to my mother and whispered something in her ear that the clueless shifted into tension.

My mother's sky blue eyes paled once Sebastian was finished saying whatever he had said to her. She glanced at me with guilt swirling in her sky blue eyes before walking over to the fridge. She picked out an expensive bottle of red wine and paired it with one of her finer crystal glass'.

The action alone was enough to tell me she didn't think what Sebastian had to say was bullshit. We weren't reading between the lines. There was some truth to it.

We were right.

I crossed my arms over my chest and looked away from her. I couldn't look at any of them right now. Instead my attention went to the glass door that lead out to the garden. Briefly I wondered what would happen when I wasn't restrained by the four walls of my mother's house.

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