63 • riddles within the hazel currents of his eyes • 63

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Peter was the best stepfather I ever could have asked for and I was sorry for only realising that now

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Peter was the best stepfather I ever could have asked for and I was sorry for only realising that now. The morning after he caught us sneaking in, Peter greeted me in the kitchen with a wide smile and kind crystal blue eyes. He was stood over the stove, cracking some eggs into the pan. I'd never been happier to see something so simple play out before me. The mundane may seem like nothing, but to me it was everything.

"Good morning, Charl." Peter greeted me, handing me a coffee that he'd already made like he was anticipating my arrival.

"Morning," I replied softly as I took in the food that Peter had been preparing.

There were boiled eggs, a stack of pancakes, fruit salad and everything you could wish for in a fry up. My mouth watered at the smell of it. "You made all this?"

Peter flashed me a grin as he put some fried eggs onto a plate along with some rashes of bacon, a sausage, mushrooms, avocado and baked beans.

"No the elves did." He teased, handing me the plate. I stood their shocked at the sight of the breakfast he'd made me. It was so unnecessarily thoughtful. "Of course I did, kid. Who else would have done?"

I blinked at his response and put the plate down on the island counter and took a seat. "Is this the part you break some bad news to me?" I questioned, not trusting this nice gesture at all.

Peter raised his eyebrows at me, but any response he was going to give me was interrupted by the sound of heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. I glanced to my left to see Sebastian enter the kitchen wearing a simple grey t-shirt and dark green flannel pyjama bottoms. By the look on his face, he was just as surprised by the display of food as I was.

"Why does doing something nice for my kids have to have something behind it? Can't I just cook you all a cooked breakfast because I want to make sure you get all of the nutrients and minerals you need?" Peter defended, pointing the question directly at me.

My kids, he said. I tried to brush off the urge to smile to myself at Peter's choice of words. My Dad was always my favourite parent because he'd always considered things from my point of view and tried to listen to me. My Mom didn't do any of that. She thought she knew what was best and that is usually what goes. Lately, i had started to feel like my Dad was being more influenced by her 'right calls' than I'd like. Maybe that's why I wasn't phased by Peter's words. A small part of me liked it.

I shrugged in response, trying to act indifferent as I felt Sebastian take the seat besides me at the island.

"There's protein aswell —  you missed that, Dad." I heard Sebastian say besides me with a slight teasing tone in his voice.

Peter's crystal blue eyes landed on Sebastian. If I wasn't mistaken, I could have sworn I could see a glimmer of amusement in them.

"There's no need to pick apart my words like a lawyer, Sebastian." Peter grinned at his son. "Eat the food before I find some stray cat to give it to that deserves it more than you."

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