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Jungkook took a deep breath before asking

"What's your ideal type, Taehyung?"

Why would he ask me this?  Taehyung thought in confusion.

"Honestly nothing in specific, like that person should love me for who I am and not use me, coz I've seen many incidents where they've used their partners and leave them heartbroken and I don't want that", Taehyung explained.

"So will you love that person who loves you more than anything?", Jungkook asked.

Taehyung could see the shine in Jungkook's usually emotionless eyes.

He gulped.

"I–I... I d–don't know...", He stuttered, not knowing what to reply to his boss.

"Why do you not know?", Jungkook asked, expression going blank again.

"I–I should love that person too, sir", Taehyung stuttered.

"W–will you atleast try giving that person a chance s–so that they can prove themselves about how much you mean to them?", Jungkook asked nervously.

"Y–yes, sir. Maybe I'll t–try, but in the future and not now", Taehyung replied.

"Oh you s–should, Taehyung", Jungkook says as a smile forms on his lips.

Taehyung hummed in response.

Soon they arrived at Taehyung's place.

"Thank you, sir", Taehyung thanked him as he exited the car.

There stood Yang Byungho. A clingy, annoying employee that works at his company too. He's Taehyung's friend as well as his housemate.

He was looking dreamily at Jungkook, but frowned soon when he saw Taehyung coming out of Jungkook's car.

"See you tomorrow, Taehyung", Jungkook said while looking straight at Taehyung, ignoring Byungho.

"Ye—", Taehyung was cut off by Byungho.

"Hey, Mr. Jeon! How was your day??", He asked, his gaze not leaving Jungkook.

Jungkook sighed, rolling his eyes secretly.

"It was good, Mr. Yang. I gotta go, I'm getting late", Jungkook says blankly.

"Be at time tomorrow, Taehyung", He says as he looked at Taehyung for the last time and started his car and left.

"I've told him many times to call me Byungho but he never listens!", Byungho pouted.

Taehyung smiled as he ruffled his hair.

"It's ok, Byung. He'll notice you soon!", Taehyung encouraged him, knowing that Byungho is crushing on Jungkook since six months.

Byungho joined the company six months ago. He started gaining interest in Jungkook and it soon developed into a big crush.

He told Taehyung about it. Taehyung was happy, but he knew that Jungkook is not easy to get. Byungho has to work really hard to get Jungkook.

They went inside their home.

"Sometimes I'm really jealous of you, Tae", Byungho said pouting.

"Why Byung?", Taehyung frowned.

"Mr. Jeon calls you by your first name sometimes and you and him both work at the same cabin. He even drops you home!", Byungho spoke in Jealousy.

"It's because I'm his assistant, Byung. He drops me here coz we leave together and this house is on the way of his house... Trust me we don't talk much, only about work" and sometimes relationship Taehyung didn't say this out loud coz he doesn't wants to upset his friend.

𝖯𝖫𝖤𝖠𝖲𝖤 𝖫𝖮𝖵𝖤 𝖬𝖤 {𝖳𝖠𝖤𝖪𝖮𝖮𝖪} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now